One PIA thing I live with on the Pixel is reading the tiny % value on the battery icon. Having awesome battery life has made checking the battery less of a thing, but oddly, I now catch myself going into the next day without charging b/c I never checked that tiny freak'in % value.
I am well aware of the apps that can put %'s in the status bar, but I wanted something different.
So, I chucked the battery icon altogether and bought Energy Bar. I've had visual cues like this before in custom builds back when I used to tweak Android and I like them. I think it's a unique and elegant way to get your battery level at a glance, while getting rid a status icon I consider useless. It's quite customizable and can be set to Hide when using full-screen apps. I think it's a awesome fix to a Pixel "feature".
Happy Holidays!
I am well aware of the apps that can put %'s in the status bar, but I wanted something different.
So, I chucked the battery icon altogether and bought Energy Bar. I've had visual cues like this before in custom builds back when I used to tweak Android and I like them. I think it's a unique and elegant way to get your battery level at a glance, while getting rid a status icon I consider useless. It's quite customizable and can be set to Hide when using full-screen apps. I think it's a awesome fix to a Pixel "feature".
Happy Holidays!