Hard reset - how to delete everything! (xperia J)


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Hi there

I'm having serious problems with my xperia J. Somehow the screen registers touch gestures without having touch that specific area of the screen and does not react on me pressing the home button for seconds (before it would have shown me all running apps). and besides my phone is extremly slow.

Well, I thought it was a good moment to hard reset the phone to factory settings.
So I went to (~): >settings >backup and reset > Factory Data Reset
and did that. After rebooting I also reformatted my SD Card

Unfortunately I'm still experiencing this problem and I also realized that not everything was deleted.
I still have some pictures on it, and certain Apps weren't deleted either. I don't know why, because I expected to have it all cleaned after the reset, which was not the case.

That's why I intend to use a flashtool on mac Flashtool | Xperia device flashing
to get my phone back to how it was.
As I'm not that experienced with android, I don't really know if that's the way to go, and how to do this.

Does anyone know a good link, a tutorial, an idea or just advice how I can clean my phone totally and delete all the crap?

thanks already for your answers.



B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Welcome to Android Central! A factory data reset should have wiped everything. You're sure the pictures that remained are ones that you took? And what apps didn't get deleted? Are you sure they weren't pre-installed apps? Remember also that some apps and data will get automatically restored upon resetting your phone and logging in with your Google account if you have the Automatic Restore setting checked in Settings>Backup & Reset. You might want to uncheck that and then try the factory data reset again.

Here's a video that shows you how to do a factory reset using the hardware keys, although that shouldn't differ from the reset option in the menu:

How to Hard Reset Sony Xperia J - YouTube

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