Help Please - Gmail Synch/Incorrect PW


New member
Mar 8, 2011
I changed my Gmail password via the computer & now, my EVO states I have the incorrect password, even after typing in the correct password, it does not recognize it. I have tried the advice of Menu>Accounts & Synch, & tried to remove then resynch the accounts, which gives me the error that Google Synch is experiencing difficulties. I have also tried the advice of Menu>Applications>Manage Applications & have tried to Force Stop & Clear Data from all Google Applications, then resynch, also with no luck. Is there anything I can do to fix this without having to Factory Reset my phone? Also, if I do have to Factory Reset my phone, is there anyway I can backup my text messages since I do not have access to the Market (can't access the Market because my phone states I have the wrong password, so annoying). HELP please! :'(


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2010
Are you rooted? If not I would go back to the computer and try to change it back to the old password and see if that fixes it.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2010
Yeah I'm sorry I couldn't help, the same thing happen to me last week and someone else. I wasn't able to get any help I ended up deleting gmail and reinstalling and that did the trick for me but since you can't use the market I'm clueless. Did you do the update they had for gmail recently?


New member
Mar 8, 2011
No, I didn't update Gmail recently. I did recently set up Google Authenticator, before I changed my password, but it doesn't even ask me for that, it just tells me that my password is incorrect.


New member
Mar 8, 2011
I just turned off the 2step verification from my PC & it is now working. bpdamas, THANK YOU SO MUCH! You freaking rock.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2010
I just turned off the 2step verification from my PC & it is now working. bpdamas, THANK YOU SO MUCH! You freaking rock.

Also, you can get it to work with two step verification as well. I have it working just fine. Basically,from your PC log in to your Google account and go to your account settings. Under personal settings and security, you should see a link that says "Authorizing applications & sites". Click it and then type in an application name for your Gmail app on your phone (I think I used Gmail) and then click generate password. Type that password into your phone and it should work just fine.

There are some apps that I have found that don't work with two step verification but that is because the developer of the specific app hasn't coded it in yet.

On A Clear Day

New member
May 21, 2013
I just spent the past few days fighting this problem. It started after I had to reset my phone's :MDN (phone number) and MSID the number my carrier gives for my area because I wasn't receiving downloads properly.

Suddenly the email I have specifically (and only) associated with my Android phone for contact protection wasn't "syncing".

The cause? I needed to re-inter the APPLICATION SPECIFIC password needed by the two step security protocol I had set up when I had originally made my Gmail account a two-step sign in process.

Ultimately, prompted by a suggested I think I read here where someone asked if someone had recently set up Google 2-step verification it hit me, "Oh yeah."

So, here is what you do -
1. Go to your Gmail account that won't sync; go to Account Settings; Security I think: see 2-Step
Here's a link - you can do a search too for Application Specific Passwords

Generate the app specific password - I'd copy it into a word doc. even though you probably won't need it again unless something like happened to me happens to you.

DELETE THE OLD ONE IF YOU HAD A PREVIOUS ONE - otherwise your phone (and Google) won't recognize your new app specific password.

. Then sign in using the app specific password on your phone when prompted for a password DO NOT your regular password that you would if you were on a computer.

This problem apparently is one that is associated with older versions of Android, Outlook and some other apps.

Hope this helps.

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