Is the Annual Premier Upgrade something for customer that have been with Sprint for a while? I would love to upgrade my device every year versus every two years. I'm going to call Best Buy today and see what the deal is because I am a Rewards Zone member and I also preordered (with the $50 deposit) last week.
That being said I've been on a T-Mobile employee plan since 2006, which was when I started working for them, and am still on it to this day even though I'm not an employee anymore thanks to my buddy who is still an employee (they're allowed to have up to 3 lines to he was gracious enough to let me use one of them). Granted that I have to pay almost full price for any new devices I get on T-Mobile I have no contract and the plan is like $20/month for EVERYTHING.
I'm jumping ship to Android because I really just want to try something new since I've been on BlackBerry since 2006. All the new BlackBerrys coming out are nice and all, but they're basically doing the exact samething a lot better, faster, and without any lag or freezing. Not to mention that Sprint's plans are awesome and my buddy is probably not going to be at T-Mobile much longer.
Yes Sprint has a program called "Sprint Premier" which allows those customers to upgrade phones every 12 months for a new customer price ($150 off phone price plus whatever mail in rebate is offered on the hardware) in addition to other benefits like, 25% off all accessories, random raffles for things such as super bowl tickets, etc etc etc. A simple google search for "Sprint Premier" will turn up more information than you can read in 100 years.
Just as an FYI - It's a program to reward long standing sprint customers (10+ years) or customers who spend a significant amouont of money monthly with sprint (More than $X a month for individual plans for X amount of months). So to make a long story short, your not going to walk into being a premier customer, sorry.
Regarding the deal for Best Buy rewards club members getting early access, from what i've read, and again its all rumors, it seems limited to BB Platinum rewards club members and you must be invited to participate.
Don't kill the messenger, you asked lol