Hi, I'm Kevin - and I'm a Crackberry Defector...


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Just wanted to say hi. I'm moving from my Blackberry Curve 8330 to the new HTC Hero on Friday - and I can't wait!

Anyone else here a Crackberry defector? I'm hoping this site will replace my Crackberry.com addiction, lol.

See ya 'round!



Oct 7, 2009
I'm moving from my BlackBerry Pearl 8120 on T-Mobile to Sprint for the HTC Hero on Sunday. I thought it's coming out on October 11th.

The only thing I'm afraid of is missing BlackBerry Messenger since all my friends pretty much have BlackBerrys now because of me (I was the first one to get a BlackBerry years ago)!


Oct 7, 2009
I sold my BB Curve to get my Palm Pre on June 6th (got at new customer price by using my annual premier upgrade) then I sold my Pre 2 weeks ago so I could buy the Hero. Unfortunately because I used my annual upgrade on the Pre, I have to pay full price for the Hero.

Oh well, I bought into the Pre too early in its lifespan. I'm too tech savy to buy into infancy.


BB Rewards club members are rumored to be able to buy the Hero anywhere from the 7th all the way up to the 9th. Many best buy locations claim they are not selling it early (Including rewards clubs managers you can contact via telephone) yet there are fliers floating around the internet so its kind of a mixed bag right now.

I contacted one of my buddies who works at Sprint corporate to ask and he doesnt believe it would be possible for Best Buy to sell the phone early because Sprint wont even be putting the Hero into their system to be sold until the 12:00 a.m. (ET) on 10/11/09 so he said even if a device was sold early, their system wouldnt recognize the ESN so they wouldnt be able to activate it.

But then again what does he know, Best Buy could have dropped Sprint some extra coin to be able to sell early so they could be the exclusive retailer for 2 days and sell more devices .... never know.


Oct 7, 2009

Is the Annual Premier Upgrade something for customer that have been with Sprint for a while? I would love to upgrade my device every year versus every two years. I'm going to call Best Buy today and see what the deal is because I am a Rewards Zone member and I also preordered (with the $50 deposit) last week.

That being said I've been on a T-Mobile employee plan since 2006, which was when I started working for them, and am still on it to this day even though I'm not an employee anymore thanks to my buddy who is still an employee (they're allowed to have up to 3 lines to he was gracious enough to let me use one of them). Granted that I have to pay almost full price for any new devices I get on T-Mobile I have no contract and the plan is like $20/month for EVERYTHING.

I'm jumping ship to Android because I really just want to try something new since I've been on BlackBerry since 2006. All the new BlackBerrys coming out are nice and all, but they're basically doing the exact samething a lot better, faster, and without any lag or freezing. Not to mention that Sprint's plans are awesome and my buddy is probably not going to be at T-Mobile much longer.


Oct 7, 2009

Is the Annual Premier Upgrade something for customer that have been with Sprint for a while? I would love to upgrade my device every year versus every two years. I'm going to call Best Buy today and see what the deal is because I am a Rewards Zone member and I also preordered (with the $50 deposit) last week.

That being said I've been on a T-Mobile employee plan since 2006, which was when I started working for them, and am still on it to this day even though I'm not an employee anymore thanks to my buddy who is still an employee (they're allowed to have up to 3 lines to he was gracious enough to let me use one of them). Granted that I have to pay almost full price for any new devices I get on T-Mobile I have no contract and the plan is like $20/month for EVERYTHING.

I'm jumping ship to Android because I really just want to try something new since I've been on BlackBerry since 2006. All the new BlackBerrys coming out are nice and all, but they're basically doing the exact samething a lot better, faster, and without any lag or freezing. Not to mention that Sprint's plans are awesome and my buddy is probably not going to be at T-Mobile much longer.

Yes Sprint has a program called "Sprint Premier" which allows those customers to upgrade phones every 12 months for a new customer price ($150 off phone price plus whatever mail in rebate is offered on the hardware) in addition to other benefits like, 25% off all accessories, random raffles for things such as super bowl tickets, etc etc etc. A simple google search for "Sprint Premier" will turn up more information than you can read in 100 years.

Just as an FYI - It's a program to reward long standing sprint customers (10+ years) or customers who spend a significant amouont of money monthly with sprint (More than $X a month for individual plans for X amount of months). So to make a long story short, your not going to walk into being a premier customer, sorry.

Regarding the deal for Best Buy rewards club members getting early access, from what i've read, and again its all rumors, it seems limited to BB Platinum rewards club members and you must be invited to participate.

Don't kill the messenger, you asked lol


Oct 7, 2009
Regarding the deal for Best Buy rewards club members getting early access, from what i've read, and again its all rumors, it seems limited to BB Platinum rewards club members and you must be invited to participate.

Just to let everyone know that I called the Best Buy that I did the preorder with to ask about this Friday release rumor. She put me on hold and went to check and came back telling me that they would be selling it to me on Friday as long as I'm a Rewards Zone member.

My experience is similar to what I've been reading on forums regarding the Friday release where some people say that their Best Buy is telling them yes while others are saying no.

I shall let you all know on Friday!


Oct 7, 2009
Just to let everyone know that I called the Best Buy that I did the preorder with to ask about this Friday release rumor. She put me on hold and went to check and came back telling me that they would be selling it to me on Friday as long as I'm a Rewards Zone member.

My experience is similar to what I've been reading on forums regarding the Friday release where some people say that their Best Buy is telling them yes while others are saying no.

I shall let you all know on Friday!

Man that would be sweet to get your hands on this baby early. Because im paying full price and not a new account/upgrade, i need to avoid BB at all costs (BB is selling this device i believe for $599).

Guess i just wait until Sunday. I have a buddy at the local Sprint store and he said if the phone sells for 429 rather than the 329 people are gabbing about he'd hook me up with a nice deal so it's easier for me to swallow.


Active member
Oct 11, 2009
Sorry to be a party pooper, but the SRP for the Hero is $479.99.

Nothing's stopping you from purchasing the phone at $179.99 from Sprint on a second line and cancel it after you get your MIR though. This tactic won't fly at a third-party vendor though. If you cancel within six months THEY reserve the right to charge you full price for the phone + Sprint's ETF.


Oct 7, 2009
Sorry to be a party pooper, but the SRP for the Hero is $479.99.

Nothing's stopping you from purchasing the phone at $179.99 from Sprint on a second line and cancel it after you get your MIR though. This tactic won't fly at a third-party vendor though. If you cancel within six months THEY reserve the right to charge you full price for the phone + Sprint's ETF.

I ended up purchasing the phone straight up. I don't have the energy to "play the system" anymore.

Got mine from a Sprint store Saturday morning. They cut the price down to $429.99 for me.


Active member
Oct 11, 2009
I ended up purchasing the phone straight up. I don't have the energy to "play the system" anymore.

Got mine from a Sprint store Saturday morning. They cut the price down to $429.99 for me.

Not bad. And you'll still have your eligibility for future use too!


New member
Oct 19, 2009
I will soon be defecting from the 9530 Storm. Honestly, I love my Storm and if you scour the Crackberry forums you will see that I spent the majority of my time defending it.

From what I've seen of the Droid makes my mouth water! This appears to be the device that I've been looking for! I'm feeling like a kid at Christmas!:D


Oct 19, 2009
I'm defecting from the horrible BB Storm, so I feel for you all. Motorola Droid,......oh yes!!!!!!!

PS: Hi y'all, name's Doug, glad to be a member!!!!!


Active member
Jul 10, 2009
I had the 9530 also. It was my third Blackberry. Before that I had the 8830 and 8330. I didn't hate the Storm. But when I saw the G1, I knew I had to get one.


Oct 19, 2009
Well, I've used my son's G1 and it's not a shabby piece of kit at all, I love it. Now, the Cliq or the Droid, oh DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Oct 15, 2009
New to Android. Migrated from a BB Pearl 8100, to the Pearl Flip 8120, now I'm rocking the myTouch 3g.. and loving it!


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2009
Left BB but not CB for the Hero on the 9th. At almost two weeks I don't see myself returning to BerryLand


Active member
Oct 22, 2009
Well I am not a defector yet but soon will be. Cell south will have the hero on nov 5 some say as early nov 2. Currently have a 8330. I chose the hero from all the positive reviews . Blackberrys are good phones but they use the same old os and look all alike from model to model. I don't have to go into detail you all know why your here.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
i am currently waiting on the droid eris from verizon. I am leaving my BB 8900 for android. I want full customization, a browser that works and 3g speeds. AT&T has none of these.