I want to buy a Micro USB OTG flash drive. Is there a limit to the size of flash drive this phone will use?
Look at the length you have to go because of no built in SD card. LG are better at building smart smart phones
I have a UPDATE: I just received my OTG 64GB USB Flash Drive. I am happy to report that it works perfectly! I am backing up my phone to it right now. This is what I ordered:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Q4U7LIO?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00. I still don't know how big you can go but they don't seem to make them over 128 GB. This 64 GB is plenty for me.
Just a question, how come you don't use Dropbox or OneDrive or another Cloud Storage app to save photos, movies, videos, files, etc rather than having to use external storage like a USB Drive? This is what I've been using on my last phone and this one and have never had a issue.