I never found the setting to do that either. You may want to try AquaMail. It not only keeps all your emails until you decide to delete them, it gives you the ability to select all emails in a folder. This is very handy when you are emptying your emails from the Deleted folder.
I used AquaMail for a long time. Very good Email app. But... then i found "Windroid". I like it so much more. The developers get back to you with any questions within sometimes minutes. Take too long to explain all the benifits this Email app has over others. You just need to try it for at least one week.
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I think thats the sync setting. Are you also checking email on your computer? If you delete them on your pc and then it syncs it will delete them from your phone as well.
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Its not that sorta sync. Its a setting from within the phone. You go to your email cliebt and push the menu button. There should be an option for email settings. Like option to push email or do it manually. There is also an option to sync email from the email server. If you check email from multiple places such as work or home pc's then when it syncs it makes your pc email client and your phone email client the same.
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By saying your emails are getting deleted are you perhaps referring to the older emails not showing up on your phone? They would be the ones at the bottom of the list. If so, they're not really deleted. They're just not stored on your phone any longer.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2, the biggest beast on the block.
Exactly... you can still see these emails from a pc client.
Kewlness, then they're not being deleted, they're just not being synced to your phone. To change the sync settings, open your email then press the menu button (bottom left corner of your phone, looks like two horizontal lines with a half a box around them). That will bring up a menu. From that menu press Settings. From the next menu, touch on the email account you want to change. That will bring up another menu where about half way down will be a setting where you can set how many/weeks you want to sync email. This controls how long the email remains on your phone.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2, the biggest beast on the block.
First, you have to set up your Android email so that it does not delete the message on your server when you read the message on your phone. Some default email application setups actually delete the email on the server.Hi guys
I am using the stock email app and my emails seem to get deleted without me deleting them! how do Istop that I have looked in the email settings but I can't seem to find the setting for this, any ideas?
Which email do you have? Yahoo, msn/hotmail, gmail?
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