Got mine about 3 weeks ago. The sales guy initially kept talking up the Droid Razor Maxx even though I told him I know I want the Nexus. Once he realized we both liked the same football team and we were both from the same state (living in MD but from Jersey) he was straight up. He said they are being told to push the Droid line of phones and they did have some returns for signal issues with the GNex. He went over all of the fees and was pretty lax for the most part. He did mention that he heard the GSM update works on the Verizon version (4.04, I know this already) and the customers that buy the GNex are very decisive for the most part.
My wife asked the guy straight up,"why do you keep trying to talk me out of this phone?"
Sales reps don't like selling a phone and having to then return and exchange it. They don't get paid for doing more than double the work in that instance. When a phone like the CDMA GN has so many issues, sales reps are going to push other devices.
I must ask...what was his response?
It was alot of stuttering and back pedaling and apologies. I think that's what finally got us out of there.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2