How Warm Does Your Shift Get?


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Nov 8, 2010
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Hi all. My husband and I both got new Shifts yesterday, taking advantage of Best Buy's $99 deal. (Thanks to these forums for the heads up!) I'm loving the keyboard and, coming from (yes) Motorola Backflips the phone is just so gorgeous and fast. I do with the volume buttons were in a different place, as others have complained about, but I'm hoping I'll get used to them.

Anyway, I'm wondering how warm your phones get? I'm noticing that pretty quickly during use my phone is getting noticeably warm. It's not uncomfortably hot, but certainly feels like, well, a hand warmer. Do most of you experience the same thing during use or do your phone stay pretty cool?

Dave Blake

Well-known member
May 7, 2010
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I have noticed my phone getting warm when it is trying to keep a signal lock sometimes even when I am not on a call. I am working in a place where the signal is poor so I have to put my shift in flight mode so it won't kill the battery otherwise it keeps jumping back and forth between roaming and sprint. this makes the phone get warm. I have noticed that during long calls it will get a little warm to the tough. Do you have a strong signal where you are I wonder if its using more battery trying to maintain the call?

Welcome to the AC


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Nov 8, 2010
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Heh. Sorry I was unclear, guys.

Big D5, that's a good point. I've been noticing it at home, where my signal is super poor. I'll test it further when I'm out somewhere with a better signal or at work, where the signal should be better.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2011
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Mine gets very warm to hot in a jeans pocket during a phone call (using a headset obviously; since this thread got kind of racy I thought I should clarify,LOL). As phones get smaller and more powerful this is bound to happen even more.

There were stories of people taking the back covers off their TP2's and placing them next to fans while trying to tether and charge at the same time. Otherwise the phone would overheat and shut down the charging circuitry.


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Nov 8, 2010
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Reporting back after a day's use. I've had it on WiFi (with 3G off) pretty much the entire day, and spent hours playing with it, downloading stuff, and getting everything set up. I'm pleased to report that it's stayed pretty much in the cool to lukewarm temp range the entire day. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it was just working too hard trying to get 3G yesterday and that with a stronger signal it will stay pretty cool. I'll see what happens at work tomorrow.