HTC One M9: Stock music player can't find some tracks (incl. Amazon downloads), where could they be?


AC Question

HTC One M9: Stock music player can't find some tracks (incl. Amazon downloads)


I recently bought an HTC One M9 and am generally pretty happy with it, except for the way it handles music files.

The stock music player displays downloaded amazon files with their full (tagged?) titles, e.g. B00LVIQY6O_(disc_1)_02_-_Archie,_Marry_Me (which is damned annoying); if I amend the title it the phone claims it can't find the track *at all*.

It also claims that it cannot find some downloaded tracks from amazon *at all*. Yesterday I renamed one track (it disappeared from the phone's half-arsed gaze), moved the 'correctly' (see above) named track from the SD card to the internal drive and back again. Stock music player (and Google music player) couldn't locate it. So I deleted all copies and redownloaded to the SD card. Still bugger all. However, it could find this version on the internal drive so ... go figure.

I suppose the main questions are:

1) Why can't the phone's stock music player find all my downloaded tracks when they're located on the SD card? It's frankly hit and miss.

2) Why do both music players pitch a fit when I try to rename 'ugly' titled songs?

Be gentle. I'm a novice.

Many thanks


B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Re: HTC One M9: Stock music player can't find some tracks (incl. Amazon downloads)

Welcome to Android Central! In which exact directories are these problem songs located? Use a file manager app and make sure there isn't a ".nomedia" file there, since that would instruct the system to ignore the directory when searching for media (like songs) to add to the various databases. Check parent directories as well for .nomedia.

Jo Farmer

New member
Nov 3, 2015
Re: HTC One M9: Stock music player can't find some tracks (incl. Amazon downloads)

The Amazon downloads were located under SD Card/Android/media/amazonmp3, the default download location for Amazon. I downloaded a new track this morning, having forgotten to set the download location as internal/android/media/amazonmp3 and the stock music player couldn't locate it until I moved it to the latter destination.

There is a top-level folder called .nomedia on the SD card which contains dozens of images from the Boots app. There are several .nomedia files under internal/amazonmp3 and sd card/android/media/amazonmp3 but I can't seem to delete them: I get a message saying that the format is unsupported....

More confused than ever now!

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Re: HTC One M9: Stock music player can't find some tracks (incl. Amazon downloads)

Can you copy or move the mp3 files to the main Music directory (full path would be /storage/sdcard0/Music)? The .nomedia file in the /Android/media/amazonmp3 is preventing those files from appearing in the Music app's database. The Amazon app itself is likely creating the .nomedia file, and will re-create it if you delete it--probably a way for Amazon to force you to use their own app to access the music.:-\

Jo Farmer

New member
Nov 3, 2015
Re: HTC One M9: Stock music player can't find some tracks (incl. Amazon downloads)

On my phone SD card0 is called emulated and lives on the phone's internal drive. Do you mean this one, or a music folder on the actual SD card?

Many thanks

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Re: HTC One M9: Stock music player can't find some tracks (incl. Amazon downloads)

Yes, /storage/emulated/0 (which is essentially the same as /storage/sdcard0), which is on Internal Storage.

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