I am guilty of this as well as far as the battery thing


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2017
I think I fell into the same trap of thinking the battery was guaranteed to get "X" amount of life each day, when that's not the case. Am also guilty of running with what the reviewers say and unfairly comparing mine to them, without realizing our differences in usage.

One way I can think of managing the battery-- for those of you Dragon Ball fans, I will make a comparison between the S22/+/ultra batteries to how Goku manages his power.

These phones are essentially superbly capable devices of some seriously impressive performance, I'd like to say their top end is analogous to Super Saiyan Blue/Ultra Instinct Goku. He has capabilities of tremendous power at the top end, and the same holds true here with these phones.

But he typically holds back a little until the moment comes to go all out. Instead of running at Super Saiyan Blue/Ultra Instinct all the time, he frequently likes to dial down to Super Saiyan 2.

So I will be managing my battery much the same way. Around home and just general around town use-- ill "dial down to Super saiyan 2" conserve my refresh rate to 60 hz, shutoff Bluetooth, wifi/mobile data, dial down brightness to 30%, kill background processes, put infrequently(but still needed) apps to deep sleep until the moment I need them, then shut them down again till next time.

Once the time comes where I need to "Power up", I'll turn that stuff on, go 5G, turn my brightness up, Maximize processor speed, and have everything I want ready to go, essentially putting my phone in "Super Saiyan Blue/Ultra Instinct" mode for however long I need that max power.

Then of course when the day is over or when I'm back around home or whatever, I'll dial it back down to the happy little medium of "Super Saiyan 2"

Much like how Goku had to learn how to relegate his power output, I am learning how to relegate my battery power and getting more efficient results. I call my default, low consumption states "Super Saiyan 2"

Thats about the best analogy I can come up with ans figured it fits well as I am a Dragon Ball fan.

Nice to know I can turn my battery to "Super Saiyan Blue" when need be, and dial it back to "Super Saiyan 2" when I don't need the absolute max . ??????????????????
What we need is devices with battery capacities of >9000mAh.
Ask and you shall receive...perhaps....

I almost bought one just because.
Or you could put one earring on the phone and another on the battery, make them dance, and bam!

Fusion HA!
Or you could put one earring on the phone and another on the battery, make them dance, and bam!

Fusion HA!

In this analogy, that would be a zerolemon case lol. With a normal portable battery being a bag of senzu beans
I think OP's DBZ reference brought all the anime nerds out of the woodwork (myself included). Sorry OP, you derailed your own post =/.

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