I broke up with my Blackberry-- Droid makes me feel better


Feb 26, 2011
Hello to all... Im new to this forum but not to smart phones.. I just broke up with my blackberry (was cheating on my blackberry) and then my blackberry found out and so we thought it was best we go our separate ways.....

Now Im not saying the blackberry is a gold digger, but she wasnt messing with no broke broke figures!!

So with that I left her for the sweet, hand filling, the touching when ever I want Evo...OHHH!!!;)

I missed the apps... I missed the quality of a great screen..I missed.. So you can tell the chicks off Sir-mix-a-lots video that baby got back!

The Evo wow! I was a member on crackberry.com... so Im keeping it in the family and moving over to the sister forum.. I hope you guys understand.....

What Im trying to learn (and I guess I have plenty of "search" and "read" missions to do) is if its worth rooting my Evo.. I use to have that fruitcake phone that likes to put "I" in front of everything .. jailbroke it and still was not pleased..

But what does the root REALLY do? Can I get rid of these stupid stock apps (ex Peep) sounds like a perverted playboy magazine?? If so thats a plus there.. I def want the hotspot feature but Im not paying $30... So maybe thats a reason to root too?? But outside that ( and you can pm me) what is the key to rooting?? Custom themes?? Custom app icons?? Can you do that?

I've seen some negative and positive feedback... I havent rooted yet and I dont know if I want to.. The main thing I cant seem to find is if I wanted to "unroot" my Evo could I do that? If so then I would feel a little bit better?

So yea I have lots of questions, concerns and some emotional outburts....

oh yea about me..( intro) I like my Evo!!! :p


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2010
Hey, nygjay.
Welcome to Android Central... I too WAs in a similar situation.

Found Android and now living the phone life I was meant to live.

Anyway, to have a better understanding of your phone features... give this link a TAP.

Enjoy the forum.
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Trusted Member
Dec 21, 2010
I still frequent CrackBerry to share the BB knowledge, but my daily driver is Android. Welcome to the group!
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Q&A Team
Dec 29, 2010
I still frequent CrackBerry to share the BB knowledge, but my daily driver is Android. Welcome to the group!

I also pop in to CB once in a while...today it paid off, found a rooted Nook color with honeycomb in the marketplace!

Welcome to the forums nygjay!
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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2010
One big thing people root is for free wifi tether as well as removing bloatware. Those are great reasons to root.

Some others are ROMS and apps that require su access like cache eraser, screen shot apps and over/underclocking.
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Feb 26, 2011
Hey guys thank you soo soo much!! Now this is really cool to feel the love shown on this forum.. WOW!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!

I finally rooted following the guide!! It was pretty cool to do, especially since I love command prompt.

The wifi is EXACTLY what I want.. To remove the bloatware of apps is another ... WOW!! thank you so much for the love guys.. I will def to more reading.. Just so much info.. I feel like this is the first day of work.. Trying to take in everything at once.. (SIGH) And I ALSO still pop over to CB and catch up on info.. So thumbs up to that.. thanks again!!

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