I hate the kit kat update..nothing but issues


New member
May 30, 2014
I feel like Microsoft took over my phone and screwed it all up..I loved the Jellybean software...it was a marvel of ease and intuitiveness, The kitkat is the complete opposite and now since I got hoodwinked into kitkat I am having all kinds of issues..I really just want to be able to go back to Jellybean!!!!!!

This phone (Motorla Razr M) is less than 10 months old....These are just a few of the frustrations....I never had any of these issues prior to updating:

When streaming music over car bluetooth, from phone, Now the music is too soft and the GPS is super loud..unacceptable, both worked perfectly before,Now when you play music and the GPS lady speaks it is 100 times louder....not acceptable
The whole texting thing is awful, awful awful...I am not a 12 yo girl, I do not need all the smiley faces, I do not need to tell everyone where I am etc etc...I liked how it was before with different colors for texts in and out..now it is difficult to tell what texts are new, old, read, sent or received...
Now to text a picture you have to go through several steps, before you would just pull up a picture hit text icon ba bam easy peasy
Now to erase a text you can only do the whole conversation or you have to go through several steps just to delete each text one by one..horrible, very time consuming...(before it was so easy, just tap on the texts you want to delete, highlight them/some or all than press delete)..easy peasy..
Now in my circles where clock is it keeps showing the last text even though I have already read it, you have to go back into circle/clock and read text again to make it go away and get the clock back

Now my phone often freezes and or goes slow
Now my battery drains noticeably faster
Now sometimes I notice the phone getting warm to the touch
A couple of times I have had to go into a couple different screens just to hang up after a call
Like many others I miss the larger easy to see colored icons on top
I miss the old phone keypad and the old dots to swipe in password
What is the camera icon on bottom right of screen on swipe password screen? You press it nothing happens except something tries to slide over right to left for 1/2 a second

I f you want to add new software systems to new phones fine, but why must you screw up perfectly happy phones with new software? why not make it an option?


Q&A Team
Jul 7, 2013
What "different screens" do you need to go into to hang up a call? Were you performing other tasks while on the phone and keep pressing the back button to get to the dialer? The call should be in your status bar, just pull down the "shade", tap the call then hang up, you may even be able to hang up form the shade.

Pattern unlock should still be available, unless you're on a corporate email server and the administrator disabled it. Go into settings, then security, tap screen lock and see what your options are.

The camera icon on the lock screen MAY be disabled by having a PIN unlock or other security setup. My Moto X had it at one point but I don't see it anymore, mine IS managed by a corporate Exchange connection.

Which text app are you using? I'm using Hangouts. While the incoming and outgoing texts ARE the same color (odd since in a Hangout the incoming and outgoing have different colors), the incoming are "justified" to the left, outgoing are "justified" to the right, with the contact picture to the left or right (respectively). To delete an individual text, long-press the message and tap delete.

Brad Johnson3

New member
May 30, 2014
I agree with all the issues and more. They took a great OS and ruined it. I want my colors back for my notifications and to be able to unlock my phone to any screen (text, phone, camera). I don't want to swipe my clock 1000 times to remove a text I already read. The list goes on and on. I think the original user said it all best.


Well-known member
May 21, 2014
I feel like Microsoft took over my phone and screwed it all up..I loved the Jellybean software...it was a marvel of ease and intuitiveness, The kitkat is the complete opposite and now since I got hoodwinked into kitkat I am having all kinds of issues..I really just want to be able to go back to Jellybean!!!!!!

This phone (Motorla Razr M) is less than 10 months old....These are just a few of the frustrations....I never had any of these issues prior to updating:

When streaming music over car bluetooth, from phone, Now the music is too soft and the GPS is super loud..unacceptable, both worked perfectly before,Now when you play music and the GPS lady speaks it is 100 times louder....not acceptable
The whole texting thing is awful, awful awful...I am not a 12 yo girl, I do not need all the smiley faces, I do not need to tell everyone where I am etc etc...I liked how it was before with different colors for texts in and out..now it is difficult to tell what texts are new, old, read, sent or received...
Now to text a picture you have to go through several steps, before you would just pull up a picture hit text icon ba bam easy peasy
Now to erase a text you can only do the whole conversation or you have to go through several steps just to delete each text one by one..horrible, very time consuming...(before it was so easy, just tap on the texts you want to delete, highlight them/some or all than press delete)..easy peasy..
Now in my circles where clock is it keeps showing the last text even though I have already read it, you have to go back into circle/clock and read text again to make it go away and get the clock back

Now my phone often freezes and or goes slow
Now my battery drains noticeably faster
Now sometimes I notice the phone getting warm to the touch
A couple of times I have had to go into a couple different screens just to hang up after a call
Like many others I miss the larger easy to see colored icons on top
I miss the old phone keypad and the old dots to swipe in password
What is the camera icon on bottom right of screen on swipe password screen? You press it nothing happens except something tries to slide over right to left for 1/2 a second

I f you want to add new software systems to new phones fine, but why must you screw up perfectly happy phones with new software? why not make it an option?

Heard nothing but problems with this update. I've read through a lot of the threads to collect as much info before I proceed. I'm always behind on upgrading because I just get used to the way it is.


New member
May 30, 2014
regarding clearing the cache...Thanks but I think I already did the cache thing with Motorola support...we did something similar that first day


New member
May 30, 2014
What "different screens" do you need to go into to hang up a call? Were you performing other tasks while on the phone and keep pressing the back button to get to the dialer? The call should be in your status bar, just pull down the "shade", tap the call then hang up, you may even be able to hang up form the shade.

Pattern unlock should still be available, unless you're on a corporate email server and the administrator disabled it. Go into settings, then security, tap screen lock and see what your options are.

The camera icon on the lock screen MAY be disabled by having a PIN unlock or other security setup. My Moto X had it at one point but I don't see it anymore, mine IS managed by a corporate Exchange connection.

Which text app are you using? I'm using Hangouts. While the incoming and outgoing texts ARE the same color (odd since in a Hangout the incoming and outgoing have different colors), the incoming are "justified" to the left, outgoing are "justified" to the right, with the contact picture to the left or right (respectively). To delete an individual text, long-press the message and tap delete.

Thanks, I see deleting texts with long hold works now, before a weird window popped up showing text details which I have never wanted, maybe I was not doing the hold long enough before, however the main complaint remains with texting (not being able to do a simple tap to highlight certain texts from a conversation and deleting them all at once

I looked at the hangout and got a headache and it basically had the same issues with textings..just more features I dont need

oh individual phone, no corporate problems here

Tanya Watts

May 30, 2014
My main concern is my phone telling me I have several messages & I do not. I do not use hangouts, I disabled it & only use "messages" that came on phone. Also swiping the clock over & over. If someone call tell me how to get rid of the "ghost" tests without having to reset or whatever I'll be fine but I've read SEVERAL articles & forums & no one seems to know how to fix it!!

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