I think Sprint has a huge shortage for pre-orders...


Well-known member
May 25, 2012
Since only Sprint and Best Buy pre-orders seem to have been fulfilled so far, and not even all of those, I'm thinking Sprint just doesn't have enough EVOs to fulfull all the pre-orders, which is why they haven't announced a new launch date.

I've seen that Sprint actually controls all the stock being sent out, including to 3rd parties, and that they've also said that a pre-order is a pre-order, no matter if you ordered from Sprint directly or a 3rd party retailer, and pre-orders will be fulfilled proir to launch.

But since the customs delay shouldn't have affected how much stock there is, we now have a situation where pre-orders still aren't shipped, and 3rd parties like Amazon and Wirefly still haven't received any EVOs so they can fulfill their pre-orders.

So it seems like Sprint just allowed too many pre-orders and doesn't have the stock to cover them. So they can't have the official launch yet because, if they did, everyone that still hasn't had their pre-order at least shipped by any announced launch day would have a legitimate beef that their pre-order is no longer a pre-order if the product is available in stores before the pre-orders. Also, if they give stock to brick & mortar retailers for the official launch, that's stock that is taken away from pre-orders as well.

So why did Sprint allow all these pre-orders to be made, including by 3rd parties, knowing full well that they wouldn't get enough phones from HTC too fulfill the orders? The customs delay didn't affect how many phones HTC would be shipping. And shouldn't there be even more phones than originally expected shipping to Sprint, since HTC has had time to have more manufactured? Since the customs delay didn't affect HTC's production, shouldn't that mean they should have more now, given the extra week of shipping delay?


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2012
And Sprint was boasting they have been selected as customer service of the year on their site this week...lol:):banghead:

sent from Evo4G using Tapatalk 2


Well-known member
May 16, 2010
I believe I read an article that said that customs is checking a sample from every 1000 units or so (doesn't make sense since all units should be identical...I doubt a couple of phones might accidentally sneak into the US with a patent violation). Perhaps the phones are still trickling out of customs.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
This might not be completely Sprint's fault either. Say they told Amazon that they would get 5000 units that they could offer for pre-order and Amazon put nothing in place to limit their number of pre-orders, how could that be Sprint's fault?


Q&A Team
Oct 15, 2009
You do realize that preorder doesn't mean "buying a phone before release", right?

It simply allowed people to order the phone before release so they wouldn't be affected if shortages in the stores took place and allows them to get a phone before those who just walk into the store.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2010
But that doesn't make sense... if you really think about it.. the first day multiple people received their phones in my eyes is considered the release date (even tho sprint didn't announce it as that)

Sprint can say that the release date is next month from now just so that they can get everyone who pre-ordered there phone first and then supply the people who want to just go to the store and buy it.. but that's a bit unfair because some people got it 2 days ago while other who pre-ordrerd won't get it until weeks later..

I'm basically just saying if people already started receiving the phone, those who also pre-ordered should be getting it within at least 2 days as well... But that's clearly not going to happen ..


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
You do realize that preorder doesn't mean "buying a phone before release", right?

It simply allowed people to order the phone before release so they wouldn't be affected if shortages in the stores took place and allows them to get a phone before those who just walk into the store.

hmmmm i never interpreted the definition of "pre-order" to mean to receive it BEFORE its launch. I always took "pre-order" to mean that that would "insure you receive on ONCE the device is released, pre-order ppl FIRST, all the rest who didn't want to fork up 50 bucks SECOND...

"Pre Order" in no way infers you'll GET it before launch, just that you are ORDERING it before launch....

If thats what its intended to mean, they should call it "Pre-Launch Purchase" or something not so misleading...PLP, thats catchy, isn't it? lol :p



Well-known member
May 25, 2012
I pre-ordered thinking I would be one of the first to recieve my phone, especially since I pre-ordered as early as possible. So that's my expectation of a pre-order. Seeing countless people having their phone delivered to them before me (many of whom place their orders well after I placed mine) does not sound like I am getting a true pre-order.

And just because Sprint is able to delay the official launch date doesn't mean that I shouldn't expect my phone before they set their new launch date.
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