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I see the Honor v3 just released in September making it a fairly new model device. I would venture a guess to say that you shouldn't have any issues changing from Apple to Android. I don't know that app history transfers, history would imply that you would find the same apps on both platforms, and that may not be the case for all apps. You will likely find similar or equivalent apps here on Android but I would imagine only the big ones would be the same. Facebook, Insta, Linkedin, and even in that you should expect some differences as I've heard that many developers curate their apps for Apple differently than for Android where they have to account for different specs from manufacturer and device to manufacturer and device. As for number 2, I can't find a single list that mentions the Honor Magic V3 being on the banned list. Even when it happened there were several Huawei manufactured devices that were excluded. If memory serves it was all about how they were labeled and who distributed them and mostly affected models sold direct from Huawei to consumers, again this is if memory servers me correctly. And 3 is up to you. I've seen a lot of YouTube reviewers who have said both and gone both ways. Said that leaving Apple was easy and that they don't miss it. They may miss a feature or two but overall are happier with Android and vice versa, and here just in the AC threads alone, I've seen people say they could never give up iMessages, or the way Apple's version of Facebook lets you like or reply to messages. It will also matter how deep you are into their ecosystem. Do you have Airpods, Macs, and iPads, things like that? It may be harder to switch.
Anyway we can request that your thread be moved to the Honor threads.
@Laura Knotek @B. Diddy @mustang7757. I see one of the last posts over there has 4k views and is fairly recent. Other threads are from 2023 so it isn't super busy over there but Honor folks have the device and would be better equipped to say what the move was like for them and how happy they are.
Magic forum
All of the Honor forums
XDA has a forum for this device that appears to be a little more active at the moment with 4 threads being posted since August. You can find that here.
There are a couple of threads on Reddit but that's about all I see for places known to allow posts and expect answers.
Best wishes and hope you enjoy your new device.