iPhone 4S launch Fail


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2011
I'm so happy I moved to Android. That keynote was lame, especially the product launch (still 3.5" screen?? :confused:). I like how the Nexus Prime screenshots were leaked today as well.:cool: They'll have to wait yet another year or more for a slightly better device. Where Android hardware will already destroy it before it will even come out. They need to go back to the drawing board with next years release. Anyone else laugh at it?


Active member
Apr 17, 2011
I sure did. Had a feeling they wouldn't have a totally redesigned iphone5. I switched from apple about 6 months ago and will never go back.


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2011
I thought the event was very "apple-ish". They spent a lot of time tooting their own horn about existing products and how they've revolutionized the tech industry. And that is partially correct, however companies like Apple are successful because they continue to develop quality innovative products. The 4S was hardly innovative. Android devices that have been on the market for some time already surpass the specs of the 4S. To me, this event was more about Apple being able to combine GSM and CDMA technologies into 1 phone, bring Sprint on board, and IOS 5. Apple folks should be upset. I know I would be. Luckily I have my Infuse. Now if I could just get that GB update!!!


Well-known member
May 25, 2010
A week ago 40% of all smartphone owners planned to buy the iPhone 5. Now a TiPb Poll of 10,000+ shows Only 21% Of iPhone Fans Are Getting an iPhone 4S. Still the new iPhone 4S will sell millions. Many iPhone users buy the next iPhone no matter what.

Apple iPhone 4S Does Bring Improvements
+ Siri is much like Vlingo Voice Controls with the ability to respond to commands such as "Text Joe: Leaving now" or "“What does poison ivy look like?” Vlingo Examples
+ The iPhone 4S has a Faster Dual Core CPU but the iPhone 4 already was really responsive
+ Apple matched the 8MP on the rear camera already in the Galaxy S II, Bionic, Photon, Charge, etc.
+ iOS 5 will finally have Notifications much like Android.

25 Features Still Missing From the iPhone 4S
No bigger. Only 9% Want a Screen Under 4". Why did Jobs have to have such little fingers?
No options. You can have any size as long as it's 3.5". No physical keyboard options.
No LED Notification
No microSD
No Sprint 4G
No Verizon LTE
No AT&T HSPA+ 21Mbps
0.3MP VGA front camera should have been 2MP
No Facebook Integration, no Facebook sync of photos, status updates, etc.
No Widgets
No Smart Dial - can't type a name in the dialer like Android, BB, or WM7.
No FM Radio
No Near Field Communication (NFC) for payments, games, ID, etc.
No Root. A Jailbreak is expected for the iPhone 4S but not root customization.
No video chat over 3G (No Facetime over WiFi only)
No application trials. Android at least gives 15 minutes to try an app for a full refund.
No Keyboard options, Android has endless keyboard options.
No visible file system available like Android AndExplorer or Astro File Manager show.
Limited GPS Navigation and turn-by-turn directions
Limited Multitasking
Not Open Source. If you don't like a stock Android app, change it and re-release it. Not so with Apple.
One Home button instead of separate Search, Menu, Back, and Home buttons (also used by games)
No removable battery
No micro USB connector - only proprietary Apple cables.

The iPhone 4S will be a success. It just is lacking many of the basic features found in most flagship smartphones today.

See Also
Phone Comparison
Editorial: Now we know why Apple went after Samsung in the courtroom
Samsung Releases a Comparison Chart: Galaxy S II vs iPhone 4S
iPhone 4S vs. the smartphone elite: Galaxy S II, Bionic and Titan -- Engadget
Specification Comparison: iPhone 4S vs Samsung Galaxy S II
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2011
I'm so happy I moved to Android. That keynote was lame, especially the product launch (still 3.5" screen?? :confused:). I like how the Nexus Prime screenshots were leaked today as well.:cool: They'll have to wait yet another year or more for a slightly better device. Where Android hardware will already destroy it before it will even come out. They need to go back to the drawing board with next years release. Anyone else laugh at it?

I always laugh at Apple.


Well-known member
May 31, 2010
Apple fan boys are very visual. If something doesn't look new they don't want it. I bet if all those new specs were in aa new phone design it would be the greatest thing ever. But the specs are good. I bet the camera on there will be amazing. Now that's not to say that I don't love my GS2 but I feel sorry for all those fan.boys that waited. Cause I would be dissapointed too if I were in their shoes. The iPhone 4S is going to be a solid phone. But its just catching up to Android. Winter time we will be on to Quad Core tablets and phones.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
Bottom line, Apple has its fan base just where they want them, by the nads. They sure do hype well! Most of what they discussed for the 4S made it sound like a big deal despite the fact that some of the other phones have been there and done that already, like dual core processor etc.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2011
Yeah but no other phone has Siri. Vlingo is far far behind Siri on the iPhone 4s. I tried Vlingo. It want schedule appointments of till you if you have an appointment conflict and ask you if you would like to change the times. This is all by voice. No reading. You can't ask vlingo "how many cups in a gallon?" and Vlingo returns to you the answer by voice. You can basically carry on a conversation with Siri. I'm still on the fix because I wanted a bigger screen but that darn Siri has got me thinking. I like being able to say " Remind me to pick up eggs on the way home" and when the phone gps sees that you are passing a grocery store on your way home she alerts you to pick up eggs. The iPhone camera is already the best phone camera so makin it better is a win. Also, why do I need sd cards. Everyone knows the memory used for the internal memory is faster. I mean they are now offering a 64gb phone. However having said all this, will I use Siri for more than impressing a few ppl every now and then, I doubt it. I'm still on the fence.


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
I love how on Samsung's comparison chart, when listing markets available for Android it lists the Samsung Media Store first, and the android market second...


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
Yeah but no other phone has Siri. Vlingo is far far behind Siri on the iPhone 4s. I tried Vlingo. It want schedule appointments of till you if you have an appointment conflict and ask you if you would like to change the times. This is all by voice. No reading. You can't ask vlingo "how many cups in a gallon?" and Vlingo returns to you the answer by voice. You can basically carry on a conversation with Siri. I'm still on the fix because I wanted a bigger screen but that darn Siri has got me thinking. I like being able to say " Remind me to pick up eggs on the way home" and when the phone gps sees that you are passing a grocery store on your way home she alerts you to pick up eggs. The iPhone camera is already the best phone camera so makin it better is a win. Also, why do I need sd cards. Everyone knows the memory used for the internal memory is faster. I mean they are now offering a 64gb phone. However having said all this, will I use Siri for more than impressing a few ppl every now and then, I doubt it. I'm still on the fence.

I thought that the SIRI technology was excellent. It actually made me contemplate getting the new iPhone. But when I thought about when, where, and how I would use that technology, that's when I realized that it wasn't for me. The idea of talking to my phone like that seems unnecessary. I use a lot of the voice recognition services with my Android device, but it is in a simple way. It just doesn't seem efficient. If I want to know the weather outside, it is a lot easier to look at my weather widget on my homescreen. Concerning the hardware, my GSII is better in just about every aspect. Everyone remarks about the iPhone camera, but Samsung cameras are awesome too. The iPhone is just not worth the money anymore. I would rather spend $200 on a GSII or EVO.

sent from my EPIC TOUCH 4G, GALAXY SII


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
Well if it as a fail, I am sure Apple would like more "fails" just like this one. According to reports, they're breaking all previous sales records. Like'em or hate'em, they know how to sell products.


Oct 11, 2011
Apple was the first good smartphone to come out and now its the suckiest and people still giving it a 5 star i dont see why android = jailbroken iphone

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