A week ago
40% of all smartphone owners planned to buy the iPhone 5. Now a TiPb Poll of 10,000+ shows
Only 21% Of iPhone Fans Are Getting an iPhone 4S. Still the new iPhone 4S will sell millions. Many iPhone users buy the next iPhone no matter what.
Apple iPhone 4S Does Bring Improvements
+ Siri is much like
Vlingo Voice Controls with the ability to respond to commands such as "Text Joe: Leaving now" or "“What does poison ivy look like?”
Vlingo Examples
+ The iPhone 4S has a Faster Dual Core CPU but the iPhone 4 already was really responsive
+ Apple matched the 8MP on the rear camera already in the Galaxy S II, Bionic, Photon, Charge, etc.
+ iOS 5 will finally have Notifications much like Android.
25 Features Still Missing From the iPhone 4S
– No bigger.
Only 9% Want a Screen Under 4". Why did Jobs have to have such little fingers?
– No options. You can have any size as long as it's 3.5". No physical keyboard options.
– No LED Notification
– No microSD
– No Sprint 4G
– No Verizon LTE
– No AT&T HSPA+ 21Mbps
– 0.3MP VGA front camera should have been 2MP
– No Facebook Integration, no Facebook sync of photos, status updates, etc.
– No Widgets
– No Smart Dial - can't type a name in the dialer like Android, BB, or WM7.
– No FM Radio
– No Near Field Communication (NFC) for payments, games, ID, etc.
– No Root. A Jailbreak is expected for the iPhone 4S but not root customization.
– No video chat over 3G (No Facetime over WiFi only)
– No application trials. Android at least gives 15 minutes to try an app for a full refund.
– No Keyboard options, Android has endless
keyboard options.
– No visible file system available like Android
AndExplorer or
Astro File Manager show.
– Limited GPS Navigation and
turn-by-turn directions
– Limited Multitasking
– Not Open Source. If you don't like a stock Android app, change it and re-release it. Not so with Apple.
– One Home button instead of separate Search, Menu, Back, and Home buttons (also used by games)
– No removable battery
– No micro USB connector - only proprietary Apple cables.
The iPhone 4S will be a success. It just is lacking many of the basic features found in most flagship smartphones today.
See Also
Phone Comparison
Editorial: Now we know why Apple went after Samsung in the courtroom
Samsung Releases a Comparison Chart: Galaxy S II vs iPhone 4S
iPhone 4S vs. the smartphone elite: Galaxy S II, Bionic and Titan -- Engadget
Specification Comparison: iPhone 4S vs Samsung Galaxy S II