First, headsets don't get superuser login, only apps do. The app runs an external command (a file) named su - that's how it "gets root". A headset can't run a file.
Second, it's possible to root any Android device, but it may not be possible to root it by just running an app. If you back up the system, then open the backup, you can copy su to the /system/xbin folder. (Any 64 bit version of su written for Snapdragon should work.) Then restore the backup to the phone, download SuperSU or SuperUser, and you should be rooted. (You'll probably have to install TWRP to do the backup and restore,)
(Where do you get su? Download any TWRP-flashable ROM for a 64 bit Snapdragon phone, open it [TWRP backups are .zip files], find the file [probably also in the /system/xbin folder] and put it into your backup.)