is it still worth getting the S4?


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2013
So guys,my upgrade date is today. Although I've been a bit uninthuized with android and my nexus 4 as of late (due to battery life) I'm going to give android another go and now need to select a phone to get from the att store.

A lot of my friends have Samsung phones, and am considering either the S4 or going with a HTC ONE. is it still worth getting the S4 though when its already 6 months old now? Am I better off waiting for the S5? Has the issues that reviewers complained of been addressed?


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2013
I'm very happy with mine, it's quick, has good battery life, and I have nothing really to complain about. I love the HD screen and, unlike some people, I'm perfectly happy with Touchwiz. I like it that I can store 30GB+ of music on an external SD card. I like it that I can replace the battery if I need/want to. Your mileage may vary.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2013
I'm very happy with mine, it's quick, has good battery life, and I have nothing really to complain about. Unlike some people, I'm perfectly happy with Touchwiz. I like it that I can store 30GB+ of music on an external SD card. I like it that I can replace the battery if I need/want to. Your mileage may vary.

Do you disable most of the gimmicky features?honestly,the first thing I'm going to do with the phone is turn all those off.


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2013
Do you disable most of the gimmicky features?honestly,the first thing I'm going to do with the phone is turn all those off.

Absolutely. The only one I've kept on is Air View, because I like to see a preview of emails by hovering my finger over them. I could easily get rid of that also, but it doesn't seem to hurt anything having it on.

Chief G-Hawk

Well-known member
Sep 9, 2013
About a month ago I made a switch from an iPhone 4S to a Samsung Galaxy S 4 and I'm glad I made a switch. I have no regrets in my purchase, and I'm totally happy with my purchase. I'm glad I didn't wait for the iPhone 5S (it is a huge disappointment, especially the screen size).

Reason why I made the switch is because I got bored of the iOS, and I wanted to try something new. I'm not against apple or any thing, I just wanted to check out what it's like using an android device, but of course, I may go back to using iOS later (at least I have my ipad mini so no money lost on purchasing apps).

Other than that I like it, battery life is okay for me, not mediocre, I can get at least down to 60% by the end of day. I do play games on it, and using the stock battery it come with (I never use third party batteries on my device, ever). I do have to mention that the only thing I have enabled on my devie is wifi, mobile data, power management, sound, and sync. All other features like air-gester, s-beam, screen mirroring, nfc, air view, smart stay, smart pause, smart scroll are all disabled. However, I do enable them only when I need to use them otherwise they stayed disabled most of the time.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2009
So guys,my upgrade date is today. Although I've been a bit uninthuized with android and my nexus 4 as of late (due to battery life) I'm going to give android another go and now need to select a phone to get from the att store.

A lot of my friends have Samsung phones, and am considering either the S4 or going with a HTC ONE. is it still worth getting the S4 though when its already 6 months old now? Am I better off waiting for the S5? Has the issues that reviewers complained of been addressed?

Is it still worth getting? Yes, I believe so.

If it were me...I'd probably wait to see what Nexus 5 (or whatever they end up calling it) has to offer since it's probably getting pretty close to release...but then again, maybe I wouldn't if I really needed a new phone.

For the record, I love my S4, and if I needed a new phone right now, it would still be on my short list of choices.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
If you must absolutely upgrade now, then yes. Just know what you're getting into. I suggest you look into Samsung KNOX which S4s are bound to get in an update

I'm pretty happy with my S4 as well. Wishing I just got mine out of contract, unbranded. Would have been much better and cheaper for me.

I would also suggest the Note 3 if you like big screens or if you need the S-Pen. Just know about the regional lock so you won't like that if you travel across continents a lot. You need to get rid of it via Samsung Store or unlocking website.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4


Retired Ambassador
Aug 26, 2013
Can you hang on to your current phone for a few months until the S5 comes out? If not id look into the note 3 or thr S4. Both are better than the HTC One and G2 imo.

Posted via Android Central App


Moderator Captain
Trusted Member
Nov 16, 2010
Why not? The GS4 is a good phone.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2013
I enjoy my s4. What I dont enjoy about it is the horrible battery life. Some folks get awesome battery life and some, like myself, cant seem to get over 2 hours of on-screen time with it. This is my second s4, and it seems the battery is the same with both phones. I came from the Nexus 4 as well. Still have it and its an inner conflict with myself to stay with my s4 or go back to the nexus.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
I still love mine! Stupid gimmicks I use really haven't affected my battery life at all. I've turned them off to see the difference and there wasn't a big enough one to keep them off.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using AC Forums mobile app


Retired Ambassador
Aug 26, 2013
I enjoy my s4. What I dont enjoy about it is the horrible battery life. Some folks get awesome battery life and some, like myself, cant seem to get over 2 hours of on-screen time with it. This is my second s4, and it seems the battery is the same with both phones. I came from the Nexus 4 as well. Still have it and its an inner conflict with myself to stay with my s4 or go back to the nexus.

Do you have all the features on? Have you tried Power Save mode? And how bright is your screen and service? My best is 5 hours and 1 minute of screen time but I'm currently on pace for 5.5-6 hours. Juice defender also helps a lot with idle time

Posted via Android Central App


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2013
Go for it :)

Had mine since launch day and thoroughly enjoying it to this day. The 1st thing I'd do when you get it is go to Settings -More tab -Location Services -and uncheck WiFi & Mobile Network Location, it's causing havoc on many Androids WRT battery life.

Overall a great smartphone, excellent Camera, good batt life, great dev support, awesome audio quality, multitasks beautifully etc...

Personally got the 32GB GS4 and haven't had an issue, added a 32GB MicroSD on top of that, so my S4 is loaded with Camera pics and vids, music, tv shows, a few short films, a bunch of HD games e.g. GTA III, GTA Vice City, Real Racing 3, Downhill Extreme, some Angry Bird variants, Bad Piggies, Candy Crush, Beach Buggy Blitz (addicted to this), Raging Thunder and Pin Ball, lol, it's like a mini entertainment center in my pocket.

With the S4 getting Android4.3 this month, you certainly aren't too late. ;)

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