I live Dtown Fort Lauderdale, started playing 2 days ago (Enlightened) and all the portals are owned by this one player (Resistance). I swear this kid doesnt sleep! Everytime i check the intel map hes grinding the hell out of all Fort Lauderdale non stop, it doesnt matter if its 10am when im at work or at 11 pm at home, hes grinding non stop. The portals around here are already to lvl 4, 5 and 6 so how am i suppose to compete with that? when i have a job, go to the gym, grocery shopping, social life etc etc. I mean i can only play a couple of hours every other day if that. So whats the point if this kid is going to keep grinding non stop? i will never be able to aquire any portals. Any suggestions on what i should do? I really like the game but i just feel like it would be a waste of my time since it seems like im gettin nowhere.