C cmpacker New member Feb 28, 2015 1 0 0 Feb 28, 2015 #1 Hey guys, i'm an android developer from China. I've very curious to know whether piracy is a big issue in your country. If someone steals your idea of making an app or just copy it to get rich, will he get into big trouble? Thanks for your answer!
Hey guys, i'm an android developer from China. I've very curious to know whether piracy is a big issue in your country. If someone steals your idea of making an app or just copy it to get rich, will he get into big trouble? Thanks for your answer!
A AMedviediev Member Mar 18, 2015 5 0 0 Mar 18, 2015 #2 In Ukraine (and most other post-soviet countries, I think) piracy is huge, and there are little consequences, if any.
In Ukraine (and most other post-soviet countries, I think) piracy is huge, and there are little consequences, if any.