Where did you buy it?
They said the box was fake but the phone was not?from someone. i have my phone checked at phone repair shop, they said the box is totally fake, but the phone is refurbished.
So if it isn't fake why are you asking us? Do you need help with something else?yes.
but there is custom software in my phone, u can look at my topic here >> Phone Bricked AGAIN after repair! - xda-developers
(im sry if links to other forums are not allowed, u can delete the link if its not allowed)
we actually bought 2 S2 phones from that guy..
the other phone was clean, got updated with Samsung Kies.. but my phone has custom software in it, so i cant update this one.
Can you post pictures of the phone? Or a screenshot of your "About device" so we can see the build number and software it's runningbec. im curious about the box. so maybe the phone is also fake? but the guy told me it is refurbished, he can be wrong? i dont know
It looks like they said your firmware is messed up. No screenshot though?baseband version: unknown
build number: IMM76D.UCLF6
(no firmware version included in the About Device)
is this enough?
i actually have topic here >> [Q] How to know if my phone has custom software in it? - xda-developers
yea i received the i727 model.
so i727 is better than i777?
777 has LTE, 727 doesn't