Issues with Google music all access.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2013
Frankly, I'm beginning to wonder why I keep paying for this instead of Spotify.

I keep having issues with this service.

First of all, I'm having issues with the shuffle function in playlists. Whenever I play one of the last few songs in the playlists and I then hit the shuffle icon, it just keeps playing the songs in the playlists order, not shuffled. And of its the last song, it just stops playing.

Also, the low bit rate option setting sounds terrible. And that's the only one that doesn't use a obscene amount of data.

And third, now it's not letting me download songs to my device. It keeps saying it can't do it right now.

Honestly, the only reason I don't cancel is because I don't want to lose the special pricing, but it might be worth the extra 2 dollars a month with Spotify or rdio if I don't have to deal with this junk. I really wanted to use this service since my music is stored in Google cloud storage, but this service just seems half baked.

Anyone else experiencing this?


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
I canceled my subscription before the first payment. It's just not worth it: if you want a subscription music service, there are much better options. Maybe it will improve with time, but for now I'm not at all impressed.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
I love Google Music. It is a data hog though. As far as shuffling music, from what I can tell it shuffles from the top down. So when I shuffle my music, I start with one of the songs at the top of my playlist and then hit the shuffle button. I have never received the message about not being able to download music when I'm on wi-fi. If you're trying to download the songs off wi-fi, then you need to make sure the option is checked in your settings for that. The default setting only lets you download music while on wi-fi. Btw, I download all the music I possibly can so there are few times that I have to stream music.