I was at a Verizon store this afternoon, and I was trying to maybe get a bargain on a Droid 2 Global (since I am without a phone and I am about to make a long distance move, since my DroidX is lost (read stolen

), but she wouldn't go down on the $200 tag, hey, Amazon is offering $20 on it, it was worth a shot.
I then asked her about the Thunderbolt. She said the same thing, vzw doesn't have them, but Best Buy does. She then went to her manager to double check, and said " no, I made a mistake, BB doesn't have them either, and the date has been pushed back to they don't know when.
I asked about price, and she said not sure at this time, but between $250-$300, so until it comes out, it will be one long guessing game.