Hi - To (daveddy), please let us all know if you were on build, 'lym48t', or what was it, and that you received, 6.0 Marshmallow OTA, for your Nexus 7 (2013), at about what time? - I so hope this is for real after waiting about, 1/12 of a year for it to show up, and so many users caught in a, (catch 22), with build, lym48t. - Thank you, and for what it is worth I am in Northern California and on my Nexus 7 (2013), and I have not received Marshmallow 6.0, also I and am on the build, lym48t.
I hope to hear from you soon, as well as others.
It might be nice in the future to have Google be more informative on a more day to day update as to what's happening as much as they can, that does not hurt their business interests, if that is possible.
Your (Nexus 7) tablet now has at, 'About Tablet': android version 6.0, is this correct? *If not, (6.0), what does it say? What version?
The important thing for me to know is that it is being updated from, (lmy48t), ~[OTA]~, to Marshmallow 6.0 or above.