Laggy Moto G Compass


New member
Apr 28, 2014
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Hi there everyone,

This is my first post but also a cry for help, I have started using my moto g for munzee and geocaching, if you don't know what they are all you need to know is that there is a compass in the apps for directions/feet away from thing, when using the compass on these apps it is extremely laggy, like you'll move a little bit and then it will freeze and then jig all around the place, I have emailed the companies and they say it isn't the app and I have been trying compass apps and 1 out of the 4 worked okayish and the others were just as bad, I have done a motorola support chat and they have told me to send it off for repair but I don't want to send it off and have them send it back with no problems and waste expensive insurance postage, another thing I have noticed is in google maps when turning the little blue arrow is laggy to,

any help would be greatly appreciated,



neu smurph

Well-known member
May 15, 2013
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If you've got a case on it that incorporates any sort of magnet (e.g. for a clasp or to activate the screen on/off) try it without the case. The official Moto 'Flip' case has a strong enough magnet to bork the compass, as do a number of third party covers.


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Nov 27, 2012
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This section might be hidden on some phones, but it’s very easy to access. On many phones, you just have to open a certain page in the settings and tap a button seven times. Use Google to figure out how to enable Developer options on your phone if it’s currently hidden (for example, search “enable developer options HTC One”).

Once you have access to Developer options, simply scroll until you find the following three settings, which may be located on the main screen or within an “Advanced” subsection:

Window animation scale

Transition animation scale

Animator animation scale

Tapping each of the three aforementioned settings will reveal that it’s set to “1x” by default. If you want to speed up your phone or tablet dramatically, simply change each of those three settings to “.5x” — that’s it.