Latest Google pay services update have me huge battery gains


Retired Moderator
Nov 21, 2012
A couple of days ago, there was a Google play services update (Android 4.1.2, Verizon) that mentioned some power improvements... they weren't kidding.

Previously, if I left Google Location on, my phone would get slaughtered with network locator wakelocks as it updated constantly... turning GLS off cut my sleeping battery usage in half.

Well, not anymore. That new update seems to be a miracle fix. I have GLS on now, and not only are the wakelocks reduced, they are nearly non-existent. And, as crazy as it sounds, my idle battery usage is now even less than it was when I had GLS off.

At least in my phone, Google sprinkled some magic pixie dust in there... now I can leave GLS on and let Google Now do its thing in full.

Nice that Google can release what amounts to OS updates (which this kind of is) without waiting in the carrier.