ok battery life is phenomenal, just cannot kill it, screen is spectacular although is a little dark. phone is fast responsive but at times maybe a stutter or two. On the software front, knock knock is great 90 percent success rate( some people complain about 3 knocks instead of two-- give me s break). Slide aside interesting but more of a gimmick. limited multitasking apps interesting but 5 inch screen just to small to be of to much practical use except for maybe calculator overlay is useful i feel. Quick memo is great ( write down message or number with finger and open up phone dialer to call written number down . great idea!). they say lg aint big on updating. I find it hard to believe they wont at least do the next iteration.
Overall great phone .
If I could change one thing, maybe 3 gig ram instead of 2, just for better future proofing
Hope it helps.
Oh yes And the phone feels solid and classy( even if fingerprint magnet) Some people say it feels cheap but honestly I came from Motorola and there like tanks and phone feels solid and luxurious to me just can get greasy some, with the fingerprints( verizon version)