Apologize for the repost (Verizon sub forum), but I meant to post this in the main forum...
Does anyone know if there is a way to make the stock email app refresh appropriately? To explain, if I have my Exchange or Gmail accounts synced with the phone, and I get 5 emails, I get a notification and in the pull down area, I see the short previews for the 5 emails. Say I read them on a different client and just swipe away the notification. An hour later, I get 5 more emails, and in the notification area, instead of showing 5 emails, it shows 10, even though if I click into it, it refreshes appropriately to show the 5 new emails.
This is a bit annoying to me, as I rarely read emails on my phone during the day, as I mostly read them on my laptop. By the end of the day, I'm getting notifications that say I have 100 new emails, when I really only have 1 or 2.
Does anyone know if there is a way to make the stock email app refresh appropriately? To explain, if I have my Exchange or Gmail accounts synced with the phone, and I get 5 emails, I get a notification and in the pull down area, I see the short previews for the 5 emails. Say I read them on a different client and just swipe away the notification. An hour later, I get 5 more emails, and in the notification area, instead of showing 5 emails, it shows 10, even though if I click into it, it refreshes appropriately to show the 5 new emails.
This is a bit annoying to me, as I rarely read emails on my phone during the day, as I mostly read them on my laptop. By the end of the day, I'm getting notifications that say I have 100 new emails, when I really only have 1 or 2.