You might want to try to put your question to the developer of link2sd. I have found that if I want to use a second partition app or script, I have to find one that works with the current rom on my phone, ie- I could use data2ext on cm7, but would have to use s2e on a different rom or dt's a2sd on yet another rom. I had to add all of the "support files" (the mkfs.ext4, the system/bin files and the system/lib files) on one rom just to get it to format correctly.
My point is that A) moving apps to second partition on the sd really isn't supported by the developers of our roms and 2) if you really feel you need the support, you'll probably have to figure it out yourself. The devs don't like it because it causes more problems than it's really worth. Too many variables have to change to make a rom support it and it becomes all too easy to break the rom. Plus, it has a proven record of data and physical degredation on the sdcard. And it's slower than nand memory, so it causes lag.