this is my first android, and I love it. I have been a windows mobile user for a while, and only have a little bb experience. I own two iphone's that I use when traveling.
The screen is small on the optimus, but other than that, it's an outstanding phone. This current update nag is annoying, but aside from that, this phone is great. Similar to the iphone, it's very reliable, and can be pretty simplistic. Unlike the iphone, this phone has widget support, which is fantastic. The voice to text by google is downright amazing for a phone. I have dragon naturally speaking, and it cant even compare in accuracy.
the photo's are pretty good. Resolution doesnt mean much imo. A canon D30 DSLR takes only 3mp pictures, but their fantastic. Better quality than any point and shoot camera. So what you should look for are sample pictures from the web. Never judge a camera based on megapixels, judge on sharpness, color reproduction, and contrast.
the phone itself feels very snappy. in terms of comparison, it will definitely be faster web browsing than your blackberry, and similar page rendering to an iphone 3gs. App support is excellent.
cons about the phone:
- doesnt play videos in full screen, always seems to leave black bars on the side.
- no flash for cameras.... I dont even own a point and shoot, so when I dont have my DSLR around, I resort on this phone. it's pretty good, but flash would make it better. not a deal breaker.
- the screen is noticably smaller than the iphone, especially when held side by side.
- screen resolution is low, but pictures and videos are ok. Think typical screens are 1080p, this one would come in at 720p.
- Another knock on the screen is that it's not good outdoors.
- Outlook sync.... what a huge letdown. No outlook sync! you got to pay for an app that can do this. dished out 20 bux for gsyncit. Dont like the idea of needing the cloud to sync my stuff. I think there are other apps that dont need the cloud, but not sure.
- No LED to alert of missed calls or received messages
- Lastly, some of the apps seem kinda weak. I dont like the default dialer, the default launcher, and even the default text messaging.
I would recommend dialer one, launcher pro, and handcent sms immediately.