Microsoft Launcher Android

Chip Catalano

New member
Oct 4, 2018
Well I figured after the new Windows update I would check out this new phone app. So, I downloaded it, signed in, and BOOM. This app reconfigured my home screen. Just like Microsoft, make you run your phone the way Microsoft wants you to. Not the way you want to but Microsoft's way. This is a bunch of BS. I want my phone the way I want it, not Microsoft's way. Pretty disturbing. Why does Apple and Microsoft think they own you.


Active member
May 28, 2016
This app is more than six Months old and it isn't any newer today than before Microsoft did hide on the other hand the new windows phone app as an unsuspected name in playstore to keep out others unlike me invited to help. They listed it 'my phone companion' and hid Microsoft from developer information and it was an all Grey color only thumbnail. The result of that you'll likely agree if you setup your phone to sync with the phone app in Microsoft store is that it works... but it is very barebones and they only released it as it was stable. Expect further functionality. Notice if you sync edge you'll experience a good time spent as it acts like Chrome syncs with windows and Android so getting to your issue and their longest i believe app publicly and not hidden playstore app Microsoft launcher...You are really missing the entire understanding of how android works and it's functionality if you believe the application caused anything different than what launchers including the default stock android launcher have been doing since inception. You get your choice of how you want your phone to be customized. Many people according to downloads and reviews for years on the playstore have chosen to use and download nova launcher as their default and main launcher over stock Android or in some cases the ones that are built in as default like any Samsung launcher called touchwiz. The point is you can set a default launcher or decide to open a launcher like any other application and it doesn't affect your phone files or leave permanent changes to any part of your phone or previous launcher

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Welcome to Android Central! This isn't particularly surprising -- it's Microsoft, so why wouldn't they want to reconfigure things to emphasize Microsoft apps or services? If you want a more customizable launcher, go for a tried and true one like Nova.

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