Hi all.. I love to tweak my gadgets which is one of the things I love so much about webOS. However, I'm so disgusted with the way HP has been acting that I might also be switching to an EVO. Initially, I was angry with Sprint and changing carriers, but today, HP gets to take some blame..hence my decision to read up on android as I don't know much about it yet. Anyway..looking at my sprint account today, I found the below statement a bit odd. We love you? Is that why I havent had anything new on webOS since 2009?
Your agreement with us, which started on 07/04/09, will be completed on 07/03/11.
We love you, and to say thanks for spending time with us:
Save $75 on a new phone now,
or save $150 in 0 6 9 days on 05/01/11..