Motorola RAZR w/ ICS - battery life???


New member
Jul 9, 2012
OK, Im not a power user...just a guy with this phone for business use and some basics. It's run great the last 6 months - battery life was good. It would pretty much last me all day....again, I'm not a heavy user...just a few calls, couple web searches and that kind of thing throughout the day.

ICE downloads itself 2 days ago, and although I didn't personally change any of my preferences, it now eats the battery at about 3X the rate. I get maybe 2+ hours.

I have Airplane, WiFi mode and all else turned off. No apps are left running (that I can find anyway) The only message I get is about using "two" email accounts affecting battery normal account and Google's. Google makes me have one. My regualr email I've had for 7 years and use for all my business so I can't shut that off. If I get rid of Google's "required" email, I lose all their other features like nav.

