Moving back to Nexus?


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
I've been using the S5 since launch day. It has been working out really well for me. The past few days, however, I've been longing for my nexus 5 again. Side-by-side, the Nexus 5 is faster. And I've taken photos in low light with the Nexus that are much clearer and sharper than the S5. I do like the finger scanner on the S5. Aside from that, the screen and camera are really good. I'm not sure there's anything else that I really LOVE about it to be worth the extra money over the Nexus if I were to move back to it.

I know this post is just kind of thinking out loud. Anyone have any similar experiences or any input?


Retired Moderator
May 23, 2010
I've been using the S5 since launch day. It has been working out really well for me. The past few days, however, I've been longing for my nexus 5 again. Side-by-side, the Nexus 5 is faster. And I've taken photos in low light with the Nexus that are much clearer and sharper than the S5. I do like the finger scanner on the S5. Aside from that, the screen and camera are really good. I'm not sure there's anything else that I really LOVE about it to be worth the extra money over the Nexus if I were to move back to it.

I know this post is just kind of thinking out loud. Anyone have any similar experiences or any input?
I don't have the S5 and have not had a chance to use the device. However, your thoughts compared to the Nexus 5 are interesting - I wonder what other users who have used both devices feel.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
I too came from the N5. Although I like stock Android, this is the 1st touchwiz phone that I actually like. There are some features that I have on this phone that use to have to root my N5 to get. Are some of the features over the top on the S5, absolutely. But I just turn them off and don't worry about them.

Posted with my badass Galaxy S5

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