I have a lot of devices that are always being used by my family, thus something is on the charger most of the time. I needed a way to set up a charging station but make it look good in my kitchen as well at easily accessible for my 5, 4, and 2 year old to get to. This is my solution:
The Rolltop Breadbox was made by the Amish in Ohio for a little over $100. I drilled a hole on the back and ta-da...a beautiful charging station in my kitchen.
I'd love to see pics your charging station.
Or if you can think of a way to improve my station, I'm open to ideas.
The Rolltop Breadbox was made by the Amish in Ohio for a little over $100. I drilled a hole on the back and ta-da...a beautiful charging station in my kitchen.
I'd love to see pics your charging station.
Or if you can think of a way to improve my station, I'm open to ideas.