My S3 is draining rapidly, even battery

Sep 26, 2013
I got my s3 last november, it was not until this summer when my galaxy started acting odd. For some reason my battery seems to last only an hour when I am on it, and when I am not on it, it will be at 99% at lets say 11pm, but by 9am it will be at 20%( with no use or no charging) . I have purchased a new battery and it did not seem to make a difference. In addition, my battery saving apps are no longer working anymore, I even reset my phone to factory and still it is doing it. even when I turned off all my notifications/functions.

At this point I am thinking about going back to my old iphone because it has a better battery life and I do not think my galaxy will be good for trips anymore. I used to charge my galaxy with the USB that came with my S3 but it no longer charges it, it gets stuck and does not charge. So I am using an HTC charger and it is charging fast.

Anyways, what options do I have? would my standard warranty be any good? can it be fixed? or should I go back to my I phone 3gs?
I want to get my galaxy's battery to last longer because I plan on traveling by the end of next month and I am worried it will die on me. I carry a spare battery already but it seems to drain fast as well (it is like it is draining when it is on standby, even when everything is off (GPS/Apps/data/etc etc)). Also, the bottom center of the back of my sg3 gets really hot when it is on (me using it)

Thank you!
Last edited:
Sep 26, 2013
When I factory reset I did not download any of the apps, only juice defender but i uninstalled it when I realized it did not make a difference. So at the moment I have no other apps other then the default apps that came with my phone.

Attached is my Battery Status, i have had it on stand by for a while

Screenshot_2013-09-26-18-03-56.pngScreenshot_2013-09-26-18-04-03.png Screenshot_2013-09-26-18-04-11.png


New member
Jan 6, 2014
someone please help him because I'm having the same problem! I love every aspect about my s3, but the battery almost out of the blue got terrible. I have never tried downloading any battery boosters, but my battery drain breakdown looks almost identical to his, and my discharge times are very similar. The only thing different is that when i turn mobile data off, my battery lasts like it should. I experience the same drain regardless of city (small town or big city), full 4G or 1 bar of 3G/1x. I don't want to switch to iphone or droidd, but battery is one of the most important things.

Debating getting an old Nokia brick...

btw, they need to hurry up and commercialize that graphene battery technology.

Tommy Nolen

New member
Feb 27, 2014
I got my s3 last november, it was not until this summer when my galaxy started acting odd. For some reason my battery seems to last only an hour when I am on it, and when I am not on it, it will be at 99% at lets say 11pm, but by 9am it will be at 20%( with no use or no charging) . I have purchased a new battery and it did not seem to make a difference. In addition, my battery saving apps are no longer working anymore, I even reset my phone to factory and still it is doing it. even when I turned off all my notifications/functions.

At this point I am thinking about going back to my old iphone because it has a better battery life and I do not think my galaxy will be good for trips anymore. I used to charge my galaxy with the USB that came with my S3 but it no longer charges it, it gets stuck and does not charge. So I am using an HTC charger and it is charging fast.

Anyways, what options do I have? would my standard warranty be any good? can it be fixed? or should I go back to my I phone 3gs?
I want to get my galaxy's battery to last longer because I plan on traveling by the end of next month and I am worried it will die on me. I carry a spare battery already but it seems to drain fast as well (it is like it is draining when it is on standby, even when everything is off (GPS/Apps/data/etc etc)). Also, the bottom center of the back of my sg3 gets really hot when it is on (me using it)

Thank you!

I am having the same issue! A bit frustrating.

Posted via Android Central App


New member
Feb 6, 2012
Check your SD card for corrupt files. If you have some it will cause the system media scanner to run nonstop.......thus draining your battery extremely fast. It is usually pictures or some downloaded media file.

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