n00b questions, but I need assistance. Thanks :D

Sep 28, 2011
Hi all.
I have an LG Optimus V, android 2.2.2 and rooted with Gingerbreak. I was dumb and used Rom Manager, not knowing that the Clockworkmod doesn't work with the display on Optimus V 2.2.2 phones. Also, I think I was dumb twice by using Gingerbreak, as I've read the flash image from Gingerbreak can cause Vs to brick upon the installation of custom ROMs/kernels.

So my questions are:
How can I replace the nonfunctional Clockworkmod from Rom Manager with Xionia (proven to work with the V)? And where can I find RomTools to flash Xionia in the first place? Are there any setbacks to Xionia? (I've heard it takes a couple times to fully wipe the cache with it. Is that true?)

Once I have a functional recovery (since Clockworkmod is just a blank, backlit screen on my V), how can I go about flashing CM7? I've been wanting to try it and it's the main reason I rooted.

I've heard that I have to format my SD card to a special format for it to work for flashing ROMs, and that certain things I install have to be put on the root of my SD card. How do I get to the root of the card, and what format do I have to format it to, if that's necessary? Also, after I install CM7 do I still have to keep in that formatted SD card or can I go to my other one that has my media on it? I have a blank one I can spare, but I don't want to have to copy everything over to the formatted card if I don't have to.

Also, will any of this mess up my radio or my MMS messaging? I've read about internet and MMS being wonky on Vs, but I think that was before the 2.2.2 update.

(As an aside, I didn't download 2.2.2 OTA, I'm not that dumb. I had to call in for a replacement of my original V because the charging port was defective.)

Any additional info you can give is appreciated as well, since I've done some research but still don't know everything, since internet info is so spread out when it comes to things like this. If there is a way to do the above things with minimal computer involvement, please guide me through it as my USB cord is wonky (due to defective charging port on old V as stated above).

Thank you so much. I'm sorry if these questions have been asked before, but the information I've found is on closed threads and I can't comment asking for more information when I read things I don't understand how to do. Thanks again, and sorry for the long post. Just trying not to brick my phone, since the warranty's obviously void. ^-^
Sep 28, 2011
Thanks. I read that a few days ago but couldn't find it again. I still don't fully understand how to put Xionia CWMA and the new flash_image.zip on my phone though, and I don't want to mess it up and have no recovery :/
Feb 19, 2011
there is no flash_image.zip
only flash_image.
if you have a working rom, you can use terminal emulator to do the shell steps to install recovery.
Sep 28, 2011
I forgot to unzip the flash_image to the root of SD card. Just did it. I'm installing ROMTools to flash Xionia CWMA on my phone and get a (visible) recovery, if that doesn't work then I'll have to go the long way and use the terminal emulator...Will post if it works.
Feb 19, 2011
if you're using romtools it already has flash_image taken care of, you won't need it on the sdcard in that case. good luck! if romtools works, I'll add it as an alternate method for flashing recovery in the blackscreen thread.
Sep 28, 2011
I don't know how to make the "flash custom recovery" feature in ROMTools work. When I select it a cdb window opens that doesn't recognize my phone even though it's connected and in USB debugging mode. The drivers are installed. How can I make ROMTools see my phone and flash the custom recovery to it? I've never used adb before so I really don't get it :/ Thank you.
Sep 28, 2011
I'm trying to do this with terminal emulator.
# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock5 /system
# cat /sdcard/flash_image > /system/bin/flash_image
# chmod 755 /system/bin/flash_image
# mv /system/etc/install-recovery.sh /system/etc/install-recovery.sh.bak
# mount -o remount,ro -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock5 /system
# flash_image recovery /sdcard/xionia_cwma_12518.6.img

After the second step I got an error, cannot create: read only filesystem. Why?
Thank you.
Feb 19, 2011
i suggest you try terminal emulator instead. when adb doesn't recognize the phone it's either the wrong drivers (there are a lot of variants, different ones work on different ov's) or you can uninstall the devices in control panel and let windoze reinstall the drivers again... sometimes, only sometimes, that works.
I've had really poor results with m$ windoze recognizing my phone. I only use windoze for things like QPST which I haven't gotten running in linux.
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Feb 19, 2011
I'm trying to do this with terminal emulator.
# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock5 /system
# cat /sdcard/flash_image > /system/bin/flash_image
# chmod 755 /system/bin/flash_image
# mv /system/etc/install-recovery.sh /system/etc/install-recovery.sh.bak
# mount -o remount,ro -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock5 /system
# flash_image recovery /sdcard/xionia_cwma_12518.6.img

After the second step I got an error, cannot create: read only filesystem. Why?
Thank you.

you forgot
after starting terminal emulator.
you'll have to allow it root permissions when superuser asks.
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Sep 28, 2011
Actually, that error cleared itself up. However, I'm having a different problem, when I do # mv /system/etc/install-recovery.sh /system/etc/install-recovery.sh.bak I get error "No such file or directory" on "/system/etc/install-recovery.sh". How can I fix this?
Thanks so much.
Sep 28, 2011
I had entered su (once upon a time I had ubuntu 8.10, I remembered sudo ^.^) but that error is just the terminal saying that LG isn't going to delete a backup or something. It's a meaningless error. The other one, however, the no such file or directory, I don't understand since both the xionia img and the flash_image are on the root of my SD. Advice?
Sep 28, 2011
I tried to go through with flashing my recovery file (called vrecovery.img) and got a whole bunch of errors saying I'm out of memory on my device. What do I do?
Sep 28, 2011
This is from a previous post from you btw.

in recovery, format boot, cache, dalvik-cache, data, and system.
install zip, choose the rom.zip
if you picked a gingerbread rom, install zip, choose google apps.zip
install zip, choose the xionia anykernel.zip
install zip, choose the keyswitch.zip

If I'm trying to flash BACKside-IHO-VM670-09282011.zip (after failed CM7 flash due to black screen and then a restore to stock from a NANDROID backup) do I have to find xionia anykernel.zip and the keyswitch.zip and flash them, or can I just flash the BACKside IHO and Gapps and reboot? Thanks
Last edited:
Feb 19, 2011
recent iho builds are fine with both screen types with no tweaking required.
if you want xionia kernel and keyswap for other roms, look in first post of blackscreen thread.