Question new pics from camera not showing up instagram folder anymore in galley album


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Apr 28, 2011
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everything was good up to 5 days ago but for some odd reason after i go to Instagram app i upload camera roll i wait for a bit when i go to gallery under albums and no new Instagram pics are showing up internal folder that i made that is called Instagram from sd card from computer usually it will appear if i try to swipe down under albums

i had try to delete folder create a new folder nada what is going on my s20 gallery i know had this issue before but i don't know why this is happening i do have camera on sd card

can somebody please help me on this situation even if i copy a pic then i go to instagram app after i upload it should also appear instagam folder red dot new pic come up nada
and the thing is used to be when go instagram app when you go click on recent and upload that pic from camera it will also show that instagram pic so you be having camera pic and instagram pic separated twice but now its no longer does it only show camera pic recent again i don't know what was matter never had this issue before then again maybe i should't remove folder off interal storage left along but i didn't understand why no new pic showing up internal storage on created instagram folder

i wonder if there's some sort of bug that has happen after this past friday within app or something to do with my gallery i'm tired i did went into gallery pictures copy what i did have last few months but still i don't like that

and i have no clue app for longest time app show the camera pic and then 2nd pic instagram side by side when click on recent aka upload to instagram post something ain't right meh

i did try to upload an pic with no folder used i think an instragram folder automatically gets created seems not anymore that is

i wonder if this is doing same thing to others or not that
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Apr 28, 2011
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this is what i'm talking about what i did 2 years ago

the last part i said on that thread

so last night i copy that instagram pic folder to my computer desktop again 1st off i tested myself deleted i everything folder and i took a pic camera roll load it up new instagram folder was created after i load it to instagram app and went into galley so i deleted went back put everything is back in then snap another pic load it up it came up

now i feel kindof dumb clearing system cache now i still don't know why that reversal instagram folder stop working that used to work even right after i went into android 11 to 12 last tues

when i snap a pic i wait few mins or 2 click on instagram album go in and out it will automatically come up before i upload it to instagram app then i load it up instagram app now i have to do normal way like everybody else

its on desktop instagram folder i deleted folder inside storage and no new instagram folder is coming up at all samsung gallery <-i even took a shower and look nada am so i'm now foul all over i don't know how in the heck i was able to do this 2 years ago and when stop working this past friday nada there you go dumb phone

maybe i should waited a little longer tues after took a pic see show up or not until i jump the gun got on computer <- it seems i only move to desktop but didn't copy to desktop because some pics didn't make it and i redid folder again naming it instagram putting in internal folder under pictures am not sure me clear gallery tues making it not come up or something is not right

i know for a fact if you delete instagram folder in galley it will reproduce again once you snap a pic camera roll and load it up instagram that has all pics saying recent not sure why its not showing up internal storage like it did 2 years ago

i want an instagram folder so i'm just going to move it back under pics storage i got on desktop yes i know its going to be mess up when i do it just gotta handle and accept the fact that what i did 2 years ago no new pics i upload camera roll which is on sd ain't going to go straight into instagram folder in internal storage in 2024 at all

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is nobody else going to give me some insight onto what is going on why i was able to get this working 2 years ago and now i can't again i shouldn't had jump the gun this past tues i should had waited little longer if i actually went planet fitness past tues instead being home wouldn't mess with folder at all perhaps it would had show up i don't know if it actually did stop working or not

just makes me mad i can't get this working again i try 3 times already tired of messing with this


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do you think it will ever get fixed i can try a month for now but as of now i'm too tired i stay up tues night and redo folder and nothing works in galley and last night i try to at least after copy instagram folder that was created tues to desktop that i had pictures in internal storage then delete folder

i try to do what i did back on that faithful day jan 1st 2012 when i went to android 11 to android 12 i delete instagram folder internal storage and took a pic camera roll upload it instagram app waited and that instagram folder was created in galley on samsung phone then i went back delete that pic put back in pics from instagram folder snap new pic and it came up instagram folder <-for some odd reason its not doing it like i did back then now in 2024

again its my fault i'm still not convince that if i never move folder tues night left it alone after i upload few pics from camera roll and went into instagram app click on picture thing that under recent because if it did work would show camera roll and then the 2nd pic from instagram folder-<-but no new pics are coming up instagram folder in gallery ugh its frustrating despite that i have camera on sd card<-yes it does show up sd card under camera roll i just want it to show up instagram folder in my samsung galley album

you know what i'm talking about you have pictures albums stories<- already got instagram folder i created yesterday inside albums and i put all my old instagram pics in it shows up but if i upload pic camera roll inside app that new pic should show up instagram folder that i have under internal storage inside picture folder but its not coming up meh

it is true that if you delete instagram folder in samsung gallery when upload new pic it should create that new instagram folder inside samsung gallery right?
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well i think once it was created internal storage back in 2022 after i try to create a folder since i decided to have instagram folder internal storage instead sd card and it wasn't working right deleted folder and it came up that day in july and i kindof deleted folder this past tues night i don't think its going to recreate anymore under internal storage in pictures folder

i was told in samsung chat that if you delete folder it should show up pictures internal storage i waited for folder to come up after i snap a new picture and load it up instagram nada dangit

may try tomorrow night or 1 day next week but i think i'm foul for real this time around

i do have a wonder if i hook up my phone usb to another computer maybe that instagram folder might get created internal storage since doesn't want to on my computer anymore i don't know ya thoughts spookdroid?
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Jul 14, 2011
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I really think it's an app bug and nothing you do will make it work unless the app itself is fixed. In my phone all posted pictures still save to my phone (it takes a while, for some reason, but after a few minutes the posted picture does appear in my Gallery).

Both FB and IG apps are known for being buggy and, what's more, FB (now Meta) is known to intentionally add bugs to random phones/users to gauge user experience and how changes affect overall users.


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and you see it in your instagram folder in gallery i'm not talking about camera roll btw i know for a search folks used to complain

i blame myself tues i shouldn't had deleted folder past tues i thought that i copy it right on desktop and didn't get all the pics then i decided to delete folder inside internal storage that was a big mistake

i'm going to try i guess tomorrow or mon hook up phone usb either laptop or other computer upstairs and see if i can get that instagram folder to show up internal storage again under movies internal storage instagram but that was created in 2021 so i know that's not it and instagram folder should show up pictures if you delete folder it should come up asap after you take pics camera roll and load it up in app afterwards meh


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correct me if i'm wrong when you put camera roll and change it to sd card normally in gallery it will display 2 symbols 1 camera and other sd card symbol correct?

again i'm not sure what is going on and i assumed its a giving that you have to inside instagram app saving to camera roll save original photo's correct

i try everything i even made a album folder sd card named it instagram 2 i turn off original folder nothing i turn back on nothing no new pics camera roll is coming up inside that dang folder

how in the world 2 years when i deleted folder instagram under pictures and i upload it and that sorry folder got created why in 2024 i can't do it on my computer to phone anymore it will not show up in my gallery album it's so frustrating again i want it back where it was before last friday when upload pic in app that new pic will show up instagram folder in gallery why is it so hard to do this was simple 2 years ago very bad idea to delete past tues folder under pictures internal storage i thought it stop working and that why i did what i did when i try to snap few pics didn't come up instagram folder like it did back on 29th last month

i still wonder might work on a different computer if i can copy folder on my desktop and connect my phone usb to a laptop or my mom computer i upload something camera then that should create instagram folder under pictures internal storage like did 2 years ago i don't know perhaps it was just 1 time only on my computer and that's why it will not create again meh


Jul 14, 2011
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I can't speak for the SD card icon since phones I've used haven't had that option for years (but what you describe is the behavior I remember).

The 'original' photo option just saves the original picture before edits. But the edited, posted version is also saved to the Instagram folder.

All that is done by the APP automatically. If the folder doesn't exist where it 'expects it', it creates it. If that isn't happening it's an app bug, not something you did. Again, this is something that only the app developer can fix (unless it's an intentional change, in which case, you won't get the previous behavior unless they re-implement it).


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so basically because i did what i did past tues deleted folder and shouldn't had there's no way when upload camera to instagram app and yes i do see it in that thumbnail folder in pics besides the folder dcmi folder sd card no new pics aren't going to come up in folder unless fixed eh just going to say last pic

and you also don't think that even if i try to go on a laptop or another computer after moved folder to desktop and copy delete folder internal storage on my computer and upload a pic that instagram folder will not be created under pictures internal storage from a different computer and also won't show that 1 new pic will not appear? either surely this isn't because i clear picture gallery tues night?

i know the phone little old i just don't understand why i can't get that new folder created 2 years ago and now i can't ya know
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i could put app back sd card but i vow myself after what happen few years ago when my old sd card died from s7 to s20 and had to get new one sd card walmart decided to move instagram app to internal folder hence reason why i always had app internal storage back in 2002 that day and somehow i deleted folder since i try to make a folder internal storage under pictures didn't come up deleted it snap a new pic and it magically created instagam folder with that new pics and then i went back put old pics then a recent snap see works which did its complicated times for me and this phone i'm going to determine myself to fixed this situation come weds

maybe i just needed to wait few mins for it to populated in samsung gallery i don't know will try to do it on other computer upstairs see that might work if i can't get instagram folder created like i did in july 2022 i don't know perhaps just give up for time being and try next month but i doubt can

i hate what i did past tues night didn't know going to have an issue afterwards meh i know next year before oct have to get new computer 11 since 10 no longer supports and microsoft wants folks to buy new computer or pay for updates i don't know by then i can get sorry folder come up gallery or not

s20 phone has lasted longer then my old phones when i got into droid phones like r2d2 droid 3, 4 keyboard issues or keys peeling off<-i was in the stage keyboard phones back in the day ha s7 ugrade s20 due to running out of memory during that time and i refuse to get iphone despite family has it

s20 phone has stratches and little bubble in middle of screen can see if you hold up to light despite case on bank and always was a screen protection thing on it and i'm still maintaining it despite i know don't have the newest software version just the security updates trying not get a new phone because i don't want to part ways sd card i know that as of now 2 phones a15 or a54 after s20 everything else no sd card never gotten those verticle green or pink lines if it stop working or breaks then get new phone had phone since dec 22nd 2020

i actually only had my sd card died minus after old s7 card died after put s20 and they gave me a 10 gb on phone the other was back in 2023<-when it got corrupted files so i gues that when i got sd card walmart after mess up a small town cell store and gave me wrong sd card i currently have a 64 btw
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i also try that i just think something not right why computer and phone after i deleted folder 2 years ago internal storage it got created pictures folder instagram folder underneath and now because i accidently deleted it within that same part past tues by mistake it won't duplicate again not sure phone old can't handle anymore or 1 time only hack in 2022 can reproduce and also that new pic camera roll comes up now can't
i assumed you don't think will work different computer i try to see do it on a laptop but can't figure up hook phone to it my only other option is try my mom computer i guess i hate have to put it back sd card snap a pic to see if it might get created and maybe somehow move it internal storage after i moved back

i think its just not going to work anymore sadly unless maybe get that new computer windows 11 sometime in oct next year or just handle it until get new phone which ain't going to be anytime soon meaning yes it will go to thumbnail pictures since i got it save original photos besides showing up dcmi folder sd card like always

i did had some issues getting this device has stop responded or disconnected tues night i guess moving photo already i did stop it by going to this device and remove plug phone back in no issues not sure that is reason why it won't recreate folder and show me that new pics camera roll or not on camera roll and upload an old pic already inside instagram galley i once again got mess up trying to last night move folder desktop have pics didn't go though got tired putting old pics instagram put up knowing no recent pic will come up and decided to stop

how i obtain is i go facebook and save download pic that i long time ago up to past friday upload pic instagram share to facebook and then put it in made up instagram folder that i create they are ends in n.jpg i currently have 68.7 gb well 58.9 gb/126 internal storage and memory goes up and down currently 4.7 gb 5.7/12.68

i think before last tues i had 1342 pics internal storage i can get all back up to past friday but again very tiresome was past few days were going up to last pic up to what sd card was saying then i was only doing aug 12 and up to past friday camera roll going from what saying recent in pictures in my gallery but ya know getting mess up few times after moving to desktop and losing pics gets to you so that why i stop at 957 meh
i actually did try search for restore your files with file history however it didn't show folder from friday it show folder that i created tues in recycle bin i guess because i deleted it after it didn't get all pics recycle bin besides deleted folder inside storage by accident

i know its not a big deal and might say who cares if already old ones instagram app long time ago already share facebook upload new ones<-well it was doing up to past friday again maybe it was my fault when i snap new pics and upload instagram app and if i would had waited past tues maybe it would still come up instagram folder inside internal storage but had a bad feeling it stop and those 4 new pics wouldn't come up deleted folder internal folder was terrible idea bad things happen afterwards nightmare so to speak try to assemble it again like i did 2022 just can't and not sure what is going on

i do have pics sd card in folders btw its just odd how come samsung gallery if i add stuff in that instagram folder that i created it will show it in album but recent i upload either within app or after i snap camera roll ain't going in that instagram folder at all

i assumed you never experience that before mustang before and always left instagram folder and never mess with it inside storage or delete it by accident eh
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Apr 28, 2011
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well its dead as a doornail i try computer upstairs nada and try 1 more time on my computer waiting not reproducing that new folder i don't know what to do now

i guess i screwed it up big time until i get me a new phone then i have to live with no new pics will not come up anymore big mistake i did 2 tues ago

ya all think it might work when i have to get new computer next year i doubt it i don't understand why won't do what it did 2 years ago anymore meh

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