I'm not even going to venture a guess at what it might be. I'm holding onto my EVO for at least six more months (probably longer). Nothing I've seen at MWC has impressed me enough to consider a new device.
I think I'm going to wait for the next generation of devices (quad-core)... unless something really compelling appears before then.
I want it to be something cool - (Dual Core HTC with an upgraded Screen) but my gut (this is because I was going to order a new phone on the 24th) says it will be a Blackberry Tourch or Windows phone. Doubt it will be anything worth while due to the lack of info.
Radio Shack online is now selling Evo 4G for $149.95 new OR renewal/upgrade. New lines get "instant rebate", no activation fee, free shipping. Renewals get pretty much the same, but pay $10.00 shipping. Could be a clue.(?)
Didn't check Amazon or some of the others palyers.
If Sprint announces David Blaine will be back for this one too...........RUN AWAY!
I'd say a Sprint iPhone because of the somewhat low sales of the iPhone on Verizon and since MWC didn't reveal much coming. But, mostly because the tweet states, "next 'new' Sprint phone" which I don't believe would be the correct wording for an EVO2 or Samsung S sequel.