Good evening all, I just wanted to say hello and say I look forward to learning alot about this phone, I love new toys and I have to say this is my first real big phone purchase so I look forward to learning as much as I can abou tmy Moment...
My friend said sprint is doing the update at the stores now as long as they are a repair center...but I would rather just download it myself and handle it.. it sure is goign to help out when I work nights so I have some sort of entertainment...
If you plan on using it for much multimedia I would suggest a spare battery mine won't make it 1/2 a day with moderate to heavy use.
Have you cycled your battery at least twice yet? I also have a custom kernel which might amount to my better battery life. My phone lasts pretty much all day with moderate to heavy usage. I text and tweet alot.
Have you cycled your battery at least twice yet? I also have a custom kernel which might amount to my better battery life. My phone lasts pretty much all day with moderate to heavy usage. I text and tweet alot.
Yes I cycled my battery 3 maybe 4 times, it might have helped a little and I mean a little.
I'm extremely new to android and am having to try and learn all the shortcuts and menu options. I haven't learned enough to even know what a custom kernel is. I would assume the phone needs to be rooted to install custom kernels.
The learning curve with the palm WEBOS was a little easier for me to grasp and understand, to bad the hardware is junk.
"the palm WEBOS was a little easier for me to grasp and understand, to bad the hardware is junk."
My thoughts exactly. I loved my Pre, but the apps were sparse, and the phone was built like crap. The moment has a much more durable screen, faster processor, and pretty screen. Too bad we can't get the best of both worlds.