I'm running ultimate Droid 6.0 and its based on ese53 makes a nice and stable Rom
droidforums.net look for blackdroid
droidforums.net look for blackdroid
how would you compare this to koush's 2.1 rom. better or worse?
quick question. does it have HQ defaulted youtube cause 5.5 didn't... Kinda annoying when you gotta go to setting every time I go into youtube to watch HQ.
i like it more just as stable so far without as many bugs. keyboard back-light works all the time. its quick and it doesn't have that annoying wifi bug im going to run it for a little longer to see how the stability is. browser is faster
yes it does just checked
love theirs no launcher+ and the droid livewallpaper is overated
ok im actually thinking about installing this one because Koush's is nice but i liked droidmod better because it didnt seem to have as many issues (aside from koush's being a little faster). keep me posted on your impressions of it. or hell maybe ill just take a shot in the dark and give it a try.
if i do it today which recovery would i used, SPRecovery or Koush's? i would prefer SPR because seems alot smoother and functional but it doesnt really specify on droid forums
edit-- also another thing i like is the htc 2.1 keyboard works in landscape with this. i dont know this is new or not but it is def new to me haha. i forget, does it have multi-touch or not?