Hi, I accidentally bricked my Nexus 5X. I was in TWRP and I restarted without an OS. Now it stays on the Google screen. Won't boot. No TWRP or Recovery. Those don't start. I have a new Nexus 6P. That works. I'd like to continue Unbricking my 5X. I tried the LGUP Flash tool. It shows the Google screen. It doesn't show the "unlocked" symbol. That's good. I had it unlocked before it bricked. So the LGUP can see my Nexus. Nothing on the Nexus Root Toolkit. I've tried flashing Stock and creating a Recovery. Still won't boot past Google screen. I read that I can press Up Volume and Power. Now I can boot into Download Mode. Not sure how to use it. I was trying that with the LGUP tool. Still won't boot. Next, I found a program called Miracle Box. I am learning to use it. My question is, what Pins (pinouts) should I use with Miracle Box? I have the OEM cable. How do I scan and find the correct pins? Also, Wipe Dalvik works on Miracle Box. So I'm guessing it CAN see it. No other options work. I tried flashing stock etc...It won't connect to the phone. So what Pins should I use so Miracle Box can connect to my phone? On my OEM cable? Please reply. Thanks