Nexus S 4.1.1


Active member
Jan 31, 2013
Alright I hope this is the right place to be posting this and that someone can help me out! I have a Nexus 4 so my old Nexus S I've decided to sell. Basically I unlocked it using this guide How to update Nexus S to Jelly Bean (Android 4.1.x) | Reviews, news, tips, and tricks | dotTech ...I wasn't able to receive an OTA update for Jelly bean 4.1.1 so I followed the guide, rooted it and all that fun stuff to make a custom "image" for Jelly Bean. So now i'm left with 2 options: re-lock it and wipe my data and keep the phone stock or keep it unlocked and wipe it. The latter is where I get confused. I have this Nexus Root Toolkit i've used to root/unlock the phone so how would I go about wiping all my data but keeping it unlocked? Do I do the volume up/power button and do a factory reset? Would the phone stay unlocked in that case? I know selling the phone locked vs unlocked would mean more money possibly, but the most important thing to me is to have my data completely erased and wiped out.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2012
do the volume up/power button and do a factory reset.

if you unlock bootloader reset or anything wont lock the device automatically.
you have to lock it explicitly. so reset wont lock the unlocked device. hope that helps.

I recommend locking the device, factory reset with stock Jelly bean before you sell it