Note 7 Experience Inconsistencies


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2011
I am really curious what is leading to the Inconsistencies we as users are experiencing. Reading through comments i feel like I am using a very different phone than some.

I am coming from an iPhone 6. The note 7 is working beautifully, no lag and everything works. I do get some warmth now and then but that is it. It is from Verizon.

Any ideas what the deal is? Software, hardware, etc?


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2009
It probably user error my best guess. My Note works great no bad issues works better than any other Android device I have ever owned.

yomny Martinez

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2008
Could also be that you're not comparing it to any other Android on the market as opposed to everyone else. I find the phone to be great, but my G5 was much smoother, coming in and out of apps and overall. The only inconsistency im getting is the battery life. Some days it just sticks at over 80% longer and other days im nearing 50% halfway through my day.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2012
The N7 is awesome, IMO.

In other threads, I suggested that it's more likely that individual use cases - how owners set up and use their N7's - are the reasons for much of the fluctuations in product reports.

Keep in mind as well, that as with just about every other type of internet forum (product, health, etc.), people who are doing great or have wonderful experiences tend not to post - not a lot of incentive to do so. It's typically the folks with issues. So, if you scan the thread titles in just about any forum, you can be easily misled.

As with the Note 5, the Note 7 is an amazing product, not perfect, just amazing. IMO.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2011
Could also be that you're not comparing it to any other Android on the market as opposed to everyone else. I find the phone to be great, but my G5 was much smoother, coming in and out of apps and overall. The only inconsistency im getting is the battery life. Some days it just sticks at over 80% longer and other days im nearing 50% halfway through my day.

Considering the iPhone was the smoothest experience I have had with smartphones having used Android previously including the Notes 2 & 3, I don't think your hypothesis is the differentiating issue.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2011
The N7 is awesome, IMO.

In other threads, I suggested that it's more likely that individual use cases - how owners set up and use their N7's - are the reasons for much of the fluctuations in product reports.

Keep in mind as well, that as with just about every other type of internet forum (product, health, etc.), people who are doing great or have wonderful experiences tend not to post - not a lot of incentive to do so. It's typically the folks with issues. So, if you scan the thread titles in just about any forum, you can be easily misled.

As with the Note 5, the Note 7 is an amazing product, not perfect, just amazing. IMO.

I completely get that experiences can be different, I am curious as to why. It would seem that from a production standpoint the phones should be 1:1 clones, particularly within carrier, so these inconsistencies should either be user perception or something in production is flawed.

yomny Martinez

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2008
Considering the iPhone was the smoothest experience I have had with smartphones having used Android previously including the Notes 2 & 3, I don't think your hypothesis is the differentiating issue.

You should have mentioned your previous experiences, my "hypothesis" was based on the info you provided. It wasn't really meant to solve anything either, just some feedback.

I completely get that experiences can be different, I am curious as to why. It would seem that from a production standpoint the phones should be 1:1 clones, particularly within carrier, so these inconsistencies should either be user perception or something in production is flawed.

Nothing is in this world is a clone as you suggest it should be. There are tons of quality control issues and tolerances seem to vary in the manufacturing process. I'm no expert with phones or with their manufacturing process but having a bit more experience with cars is no surprise to see a car produce a noise in the front pass door while the same car in the same city under the same conditions would develop a noise on the rear. Same reason why people are having different experiences with phones. Carriers, network reliability, connection strength, non of these things are the same even in one given neighborhood. Then take into consideration the manufacturing of the device.

I don't see why the surprise with the vast difference in experiences. I think if you jump in any forum you'll get tons of people loving one phone and a whole bunch others hating it and having issues. Don't forget the end user and how they handle their mini personal computers.

Dont mind me quoting, as this is a general comment. Experiences are subjective and therefore will vary GREATLY even if the device being tested is the same for everyone.

Going back to car forums, i mentioned i felt lag with a certain car's throttle response while many others shared they felt the complete opposite. How's this possible, how can two people have such different opinions about the same vehicle. I think i've written wayyyy more than i intended. Sorry. :cool:

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