One thought and i wont have my phone for a couple more weeks using Face Unlock could you then say OK GOOGLE all hands free?
seems like it should Face unlock would turn on screen.
Confused, I thought face UNLOCK worked not even touching phone?
I assume I am wrong and one must push power button first?
I would love to use face unlock, but my work email prohibits that feature. The fingerprint unlock does work with the email, so I am happy. I did get tired of having to type in my code like I did on the Priv. This is much quicker.Face unlock is absolutely amazing by the way. I never thought I would prefer this to using a fingerprint sensor, but I do.
I would love to use face unlock, but my work email prohibits that feature. The fingerprint unlock does work with the email, so I am happy. I did get tired of having to type in my code like I did on the Priv. This is much quicker.