Please help i transferred my photos and videos to sd card some wouldnt work


May 19, 2014

I'm after some help, I transferred my photos and videos to micro sd card as i was running out of space, i then went into gallery and some wouldnt play and some photos are there but instead of the photo its black with a cartoon picture symbol (I'm really sorry if it sounds dumb but i dont know the technical name for it) so i transferred them back onto the phone to see if that would help and it hasn't.
I really need these pictures and videos back as they are mostly of my newborn daughter and they are the only photos and videos i have of her :( I backed up just before she was born but havent done it since.

Please tell me there is a way to get them back



Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
Try to reboot the phone

dpham00, Android Central Moderator
Sent from my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 3


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
I have restarted and still not working :(

Hi and Welcome to Android Central.

Also big congratulations on your new daughter.

I am sure there is nothing to worry about, the photos and videos will be there somewhere, possibly in a hidden folder or backed up. I am not that knowledgeable on sd card and photo issues, but there are a few things you can check.

First off is it a new phone.
Do you know if is on Jelly Bean 4.3 or KitKat 4.4.2. (settings - General - About Device)
Off the top of my head, try the built in Video app to see if it brings up your videos.
If you have a computer, plug the usb to the phone. Go to my computer when it recognizes a new device, and it will split in to the sd card storage and phones device storage. The photos should be under the DCIM folder in which ever one they are now. If there you can drag and copy them to your computer to be safe.
Also check in Google Account in the General tab. Make sure Master Sync (green button on in the pull down shade) Tap your Google account name and in the list of Sync settings see if either Picasa or Photos is ticked to Sync. I am not sure which is current, I have Picasa turned off.
Someone else or our expert moderator dpham00 will come to your aid. I am in the UK so its mid afternoon!

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Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
Try to clear app data on the gallery and also try to use quick pic from the play store

dpham00, Android Central Moderator
Sent from my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 3


May 19, 2014
If I clear the data will I lose my photos? I'm sorry if it sounds dumb I'm just scared of losing them.


May 19, 2014
Thank you :) she is amazing! The phone I brought before Xmas and it's 4.3, I have sync enabled but for some reason it's not working :( just before my daughter was born I transferred a lot of my photos to the computer to free up space but haven't had the time to do it since :( I just tried quick pic and it is showing the same thing as gallery. I'll try plugging into the computer again and see if it works.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
You won't lose photos by deleting the app data. Not sure if it will cure it.
There will be a lot of things you can try. Others will hopefully have better suggestions than I can think of.
I don't have Google Photos sync, just Picasa which I leave off. If you have a temporary error showing in your Google account there are things to try if I can remember. To bring up the tick boxes in your account the green Sync button needs to be on.
I don't know if you chose to back up your photos to Google +, if you did nothing it probably does. The icons you are seeing would be the thumbnails of the backed up photos without the photos themselves, but I don't get that on mine.
If they were backed up to Google they should be available to save on a pc when logged in to your Google account.
Have a look at these shots.

I hope you can find them via your pc.
More help needed.





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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
Thank you :) she is amazing! The phone I brought before Xmas and it's 4.3, I have sync enabled but for some reason it's not working :( just before my daughter was born I transferred a lot of my photos to the computer to free up space but haven't had the time to do it since :( I just tried quick pic and it is showing the same thing as gallery. I'll try plugging into the computer again and see if it works.

I have lost some of my own photos(!) and was searching.

Did you ever get these back?

You haven't posted in other threads.
I hope all is going well.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk Pro


May 19, 2014
Hi, I managed to get some back by putting the sd card into the computer and running a recovery program. But some are corrupted :( I'm trying to get a friend of mine that knows about computers to have a look to see if he can repair/get them back. So will keep you updated!!! It's annoying as the photos that are corrupted are the ones that aren't backed up and are the most important :( so if anyone has tips to "uncorrupt" them I'm all ears!
Wish you more luck than me in getting your photos back


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2011
If the SD card is corrupt, there is really nothing you can do about it. One thing I recommend is to use Google+ and/or Dropbox to back up all of your photos. This may be a little late right now, but from here forward it is a good practice to use.

Try plugging in your phone to your computer and run the recovery program on it and see if it finds any of them. Which program did you use?