Picked this up after seeing the post. Inglorious Basterds is one of the Blu-Rays that this works with. If I can talk my gf into watching the movie, then I'll write a review.
Hmmm... was thinking about picking that up soon... too many games n movies I want.. lol Well if I pick it or any others up soon I'll toss my thoughts out there
It's an app that some blu ray movies can take advantage of. It allows you to connect your Android device up to certain blu ray players and you can use it as a remote and see special features from the movie.
pretty much exactly what it does, just finished watching Inglorious Basterds on it. It took a while to connect the first time and the Blu-Ray has to constanty load things like a video game before movie play. Kinda annoying. What sucks is that it loses the wifi connection if it goes to sleep, then you have to wait a while before it connects back to the device when you wake up the phone. I haven't viewed the extra content, but so far, i'd rather use my ps3 controller.