Once you make a nandroid you can jump between then as long they are on the same radio. Ex: I am on ZVD RADIO, I jump between a reborn nandroid and Drew's CM7 nandroid.Once you install a custom rom and make a back up of it can you just go back and forth between the back ups or if you want to revert back to a preferd custom rom do you have to do a total reflash, noob here, so just wanted expert advice.
I do use the Pro version(gotta love that batch operation), but i find i dont have that big of a problem between the 2 Roms and the Apps keeping synced.I'm doing the same thing, going back and forth between nandroid's of Reborn and CM7. It works great for restoring the ROM setup and customized the way I like it.
I do find that I stick to one ROM longer and don't switch as much because of the need to sync data between apps on the the different nandroid's. If you switch between different nandroid's regularly how do you handle keeping the apps synced? It seems like a pain to backup and restore from Titanium Backup all the time, or maybe I just need to pay for the Pro version.