I seem to be getting random reboots, maybe once every day or two. Is anyone else getting this? Any solution? I always run on 4glte.
Fwiw, i was getting random reboots on my gs3 as well.
Sent from my Verizon Galaxy Note II
Is it the same SIM card from the S3 to the Note 2? I remember hearing somewhere that a bad SIM can cause "random reboots". They're not really random though, it's a certain network activity that causes it. I just can't remember off the top of my head what it is.
Yes it is. Guess I will try to get a new sim and see how it goes.
Btw, nice to see you here too. Do you still have your Rezound?
Sent from my Verizon Galaxy Note II
I get them after I copy text using Chrome. Do you do that much?