Brought to us by my favorite EVO Shift ROM maker nfinitefx45
The Down Low:
Well here it is a semi custom build of the stock rom.
This will not wipe your data, and if comming from stock setup then there is no need to wipe data!
- [Kernel] [GPL] Sense OC/UV 1.51GHZ (CFS-Smartass-TUN) Thanks to bcnice20
- Default CPU clock will be 1.2ghz with ondemand , changable thru setcpu or if you want to edit the kernel directly. I have never been a fan of the overclocking apps as once the system is boot they need to wait for the SU to grant permissions for the settings. this way it is from boot.
If you would like to change the defaults in the kernel just look in init.speedy.rc
" # Power Management
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate 40000
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq 245760
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq 1209600"
- Unlocked 3G USB tethering & Sprint Hotspot - no need for any other apks aka wired or wireless tether
Read ahead fixed to 512k for the SDcard (speed fix) - should increase the read times from sdcard
- 5meg limit on the mms
- Rosie Md for 5 rows
- Tweaks for the system to increase overall performance
- Battery % on battery meter
- Removed USB Debug notification
- Modded Flash Player so Hulu works
- HTC_IME mod
- Annoying ads in programs are blocked
ADW Launcher
EStrongs File Explorer
Sprint VVM
there where other just cant recall them
The Source Link
[ROM] 3/7/11 NFX-Shift.semi-STOCK.1.0.2 ODEX - xda-developers
The Down Low:
Well here it is a semi custom build of the stock rom.
This will not wipe your data, and if comming from stock setup then there is no need to wipe data!
- [Kernel] [GPL] Sense OC/UV 1.51GHZ (CFS-Smartass-TUN) Thanks to bcnice20
- Default CPU clock will be 1.2ghz with ondemand , changable thru setcpu or if you want to edit the kernel directly. I have never been a fan of the overclocking apps as once the system is boot they need to wait for the SU to grant permissions for the settings. this way it is from boot.
If you would like to change the defaults in the kernel just look in init.speedy.rc
" # Power Management
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate 40000
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq 245760
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq 1209600"
- Unlocked 3G USB tethering & Sprint Hotspot - no need for any other apks aka wired or wireless tether
Read ahead fixed to 512k for the SDcard (speed fix) - should increase the read times from sdcard
- 5meg limit on the mms
- Rosie Md for 5 rows
- Tweaks for the system to increase overall performance
- Battery % on battery meter
- Removed USB Debug notification
- Modded Flash Player so Hulu works
- HTC_IME mod
- Annoying ads in programs are blocked
ADW Launcher
EStrongs File Explorer
Sprint VVM
there where other just cant recall them
The Source Link
[ROM] 3/7/11 NFX-Shift.semi-STOCK.1.0.2 ODEX - xda-developers
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