Android Central Question
Noone who asked questions about videos randomly minimizing itself and homescreen showing itself for no reason has not yet got any normal or working silution.
I have a brand new S10. It does all this crazy sruff. I am not able to watch a video (ANYWHERE! - internet, streaming...), I am not able to drive and see navigation infront if me as it keeps minimizing it, it isnt possible to record a voice message on Whatsapp as it stops recording after several minutes. It drives me crazy and I am ready to return the phone. Is there anyone who had already successfully resolved this or is it a software error?
PLEASE do not ask me if I had not touched the screen by mistake and do not ask if I rebooted the mobile or deleted some caches or whatever, these tips are completely out of the topic, that is not the cause for sure. Thank you for any tips that could really work.
I have a brand new S10. It does all this crazy sruff. I am not able to watch a video (ANYWHERE! - internet, streaming...), I am not able to drive and see navigation infront if me as it keeps minimizing it, it isnt possible to record a voice message on Whatsapp as it stops recording after several minutes. It drives me crazy and I am ready to return the phone. Is there anyone who had already successfully resolved this or is it a software error?
PLEASE do not ask me if I had not touched the screen by mistake and do not ask if I rebooted the mobile or deleted some caches or whatever, these tips are completely out of the topic, that is not the cause for sure. Thank you for any tips that could really work.